Foods for celiacs

Let's find out what celiac disease is and what foods are suitable for coeliacs.

What is celiac disease

Celiac disease is a genetically determined condition in which the proteins of some cereals trigger an abnormal immunological response . There is therefore a production of activated antibodies and lymphocytes that cause damage to the tissues and, in particular, to the mucosa of the small intestine . The consequences are malabsorption, intestinal symptoms (in particular diarrhea) and deficiency symptoms.

The cereal proteins that cause celiac disease are those known as gluten . People with celiac disease must therefore eliminate all foods that contain gluten to stay healthy.

Food and celiac disease

Gluten is a family of proteins found in many cereals; for example wheat, barley, rye, kamut, spelled, oats.

But which foods, on the other hand, are gluten-free foods?

Amaranth, for example, which despite having many characteristics similar to those of cereals and therefore used in many recipes by celiacs, is technically not. And corn and rice are also suitable for coeliacs.

They can also be consumed fruit and vegetables, milk, legumes, fresh meat, fish, eggs, ham , natural yoghurt, cream, coffee, tea, honey and many other foods. In fact, there is a wide variety of naturally gluten-free foods; to this end we recommend consulting the dietary advice on the website of the Italian Celiac Association (AiC).

The exclusion of gluten from the diet, especially at the beginning, when it is still not clear how to move, can appear very complicated. It is not enough, in fact, to eliminate all the foods that naturally contain it, it is also necessary to take some precautions and pay particular attention:

  • To the industrial foods in whose recipe there are additives and thickeners containing gluten;
  • For foods that do not contain gluten but whose preparation may be contaminated, for example some cheeses, desserts, preserved meats, flavored tea and coffee.

Today, however, fortunately there is a lot of attention towards celiac disease and, therefore, the complete absence of gluten from industrial foods is generally clearly indicated on the label. Comprehensive lists of industrial foods are also available from doctors and from associations dealing with celiac disease.

It is also important to point out that the exclusion of gluten from the diet must not exclude the rules of a correct diet, which must be varied and nutritionally balanced, like that of everyone.

When to introduce gluten into a child's diet

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