The smells that annoy the cats

Because cats can't stand certain smells

In general, human beings are guided by the sense of sight : visual stimuli dominate our lives, while the other senses take second place. In animals, particularly in cats and cats, this is not the case .

For small hairy people, smells are of great importance, having a sense of smell fourteen times more developed than in humans ; that's why, while certain smells attract them - like that of catnip, mimosa or fennel -, others instead keep them at proper distance.

If to make him happy, then plant the catnip in the garden, to make your sofa, the tent and the furniture happy, maybe you can try it with some natural DIY repellent . Here are some tips.

The smells that cats hate most

Taking into account that every cat is different and that a report is drawn up here as much as it is generic, we can say that among the odors that cats cannot stand, there are:

> First of all all those "new" and unknown smells, which they are not used to; among these there may also be particular chemical odors, such as that of the deodorant, or of particular products for household hygiene and household cleaning;

> the smell of the onion, the reason is not well known, perhaps also due to the tear-producing power of this vegetable;

> the smell of vinegar, it hates it to the point of avoiding for a long time anything that came into contact with it, which is why it is often used as a home remedy to remove the animal - and especially its nails - from furniture, chairs, curtains, carpets or sofas;

> the smell of citrus fruits, grapefruit, lemon, orange: cats can't stand fruits and even skins, even the essential oils that contain them; these too, like vinegar, are often included as an ingredient in natural repellents.

> Among the fruit not appreciated by the cat there is also the banana, its smell in some cases keeps them away;

> the smell of hot spices : the cat does not like pepper, chilli and curry, for example;

> eucalyptus, which is toxic to cats, is one of those plants that the little cat certainly does not approach;

> the smell of other cats that have just arrived in their vicinity: it often takes time to "get to know" and make friends; it is not to be excluded that, once the presentations have been made and once they have become accustomed to each other, two cats arrive also lick each other;

> surprisingly, the excess of human odor, in fact often licks itself to proceed to reduce it as soon as possible.

Curiosity: did you know that there are vegetable oils, essential oils or hydrolates ideal for cats and that there is also aromatherapy for cats? And finally, there are even special speakers on the market to make your pet happy.

Reference books

> "The cat: all the whys" by Desmond Morris;

> "Gatto รจ bello" Giorgio Celli;

> "1001 things to know and do with your cat", by Roberto Allegri;

> "Essential oils for cats" by The Blokehead.

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