Flu and vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin essential for the functioning of our body. Unfortunately, man is not able to synthesize this very important vitamin by himself, so he must necessarily introduce it through nutrition .

Vitamin C has important functions in our body, among these we just want to recall the very important role it plays in promoting iron intestinal absorption through the reduction of ferric iron (Fe3 +) in ferrous iron (Fe2 +), easily assimilated.

But when we talk about vitamin C we cannot but refer to its protective action towards the common cold . Although studies have shown that vitamin C does not have a significant effect on the incidence of colds, numerous studies have shown that it is able to reduce the duration and severity of the flu.

In addition, people who take little vitamin C from food benefit from supplementation of this during flu states. There are numerous studies that show that vitamin C promotes the functions of the immune system .

First, vitamin C takes part in the synthesis of prostaglandins and cytokines. Furthermore, it has been shown that vitamin C, if present at high concentrations in white blood cells, is used in the early stages of infections.

A reduced concentration in the plasma, on the other hand, reduces the immune response; in addition, vitamin C deficiency reduces the ability of neutrophils to kill bacteria and cytotoxic activity. Another important aspect is the antioxidant action that the vitamin C of plasma and cell membranes, protecting vitamin E and preventing tissue damage resulting from the action of oxidizing substances.

Vitamin C is found in fresh vegetables, kiwis and citrus fruits, but is also contained in liver, kidney, milk, eggs, fish, cheese, cereals and derivatives. The loss of vitamin C occurs when food is exposed to air for a long time or stored in copper containers that favor its oxidation.

Even cooking can lead to the loss of this vitamin. To remedy this, simply cook the food in a little water in a short time and in closed containers. The recommended daily dose of vitamin C is 60 mg in adults, a dose that increases in smokers since cigarette smoking lowers blood levels of vitamin C.

Also find out how to treat the flu with homeopathic remedies

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