Blends of essential oils for varicose veins

Varicose veins affect the superficial veins, especially of the legs . They appear as veins in relief and dilated, with a feeling of heaviness and pain and sometimes they are also associated with edema and swelling.

Sex and family predisposition determine the onset of varicose veins, but also overweight, imbalances or natural hormonal physiological changes (pregnancy, puberty, menopause) affect varicose veins.

When in general the circulation is slow or tiring, due to improper nutrition, lack of adequate physical activity, or sometimes even due to excessive intense and prolonged sporting activity, the veins of the legs are the first to suffer: in fact they are the most distant from the heart and the longest ones .

Overweight and lifestyle habits, such as sitting too much or too much standing, the choice of clothing and footwear, are also causes of leg vein suffering. They are often associated with the presence of water retention and cellulite, at any stage.

Varicose veins can be treated with drugs or, in severe cases, by surgery, but much can be done to reduce and prevent them . It is possible, even when they have already manifested themselves, to improve the situation and prevent them from getting worse, for example with the help of essential oils .

Varicose veins: the help of essential oils

Varicose veins are often associated with cellulite and it is therefore necessary to treat the two problems in synergy . For cellulite there are massages and treatments that involve the use of precise essential oils against cellulite ; for varicose veins, however, the precise oils are the following, to be used in a massage mixture, are the following:

  • geranium essential oil : 8 drops

  • lemon essential oil : 2 drops

  • cypress essential oil : 8 drops

They are diluted in 25 ml of basic massage oil (almonds, jojoba: choosing a good basic essential oil is as important as choosing essential oils). The massage must be light and consists of slight skimming of the skin, such as a lymphatic drainage massage .

To help the circulation it is necessary that the extremity is executed towards the heart, to facilitate the venous return. It should never be applied hot or on particularly painful areas. In the case of too much raised veins and edema it is not recommended to massage the varicose veins directly. However, you can opt for foot baths with essential oils.

In cold water, a teaspoon of honey is dissolved in which one of the following essential oils has been mixed:

  • lavender essential oil : 2 drops;


  • geranium essential oil : 2 drops.

The foot bath can also be done by alternating warm water (never hot or boiling) with colder water . The alternation of temperature trains the veins to dilate and contract, improving work and elasticity.

The foot bath can be done comfortably while reading or watching TV, and it is useful both as a natural remedy to alleviate symptoms and as a prevention to prevent varicose veins from appearing.

Varicose veins: rehabilitative advice

The first trick concerns the lifestyle : reducing the quantity and quality of food, avoiding smoke and reducing alcohol, limiting the use of shoes that do not allow the return pump that is the foot to do an adequate job, stay too much feet or spend hours sitting without stretching your legs, use clothing that forces legs and pelvis, the use of oral contraceptives. All these are aspects that must be taken into consideration.

It is also necessary to act on cellulite, when it is present, through essential oils and appropriate therapies. The manifestation of suffering of varicose veins, besides being particularly unsightly, is also an important signal of the general state of the cardiovascular system of the whole body: they are the most striking and visible manifestation of an imbalance affecting the circulation and the state of blood vessels .

Natural foot bath: DIY recipes

To know more:

> Water retention, symptoms and natural remedies

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