December 1, World HIV Day

December 1, red ribbons against HIV

On December 1, 2018, the thirtieth World HIV Day is celebrated worldwide.

"Live life positively - know your HIV status " (live your life in a positive way, monitor your state of health) , is the slogan that UNAIDS has chosen to prevent, raise awareness and help bring this disease to light.

The message that the institutions intend to convey is clear: we must undergo the HIV test. "It is a fast, free and anonymous exam - as the Ministry of Health reports - and everyone can do it. It allows, in the event of HIV, to access timely treatment, with a greater chance of success in drug treatments".

The HIV test, the first weapon to defend yourself

Why is testing so important? To make a diagnosis, first of all. According to data from the COA (Aids Operational Center) of the Higher Institute of Health, currently in Italy there are between 125, 000 and 130, 000 people living with HIV, predominantly male.

But above all, it is assumed that from 12, 000 to 18, 000 HIV-positive people who do not yet have a diagnosis because they have never taken the test.

The trend indicates that the highest incidence of HIV infection is in the age group between 25 and 29 years and the main mode of transmission of AIDS remains that of unprotected sexual relations .

To know where and why it is so fundamental to take the test, the web page of reference is that of Anlaids. If, on the other hand, you want to do the new quick salivary test, you can search for the authorized Italian squares. Here are some of the events in the main Italian cities.

The Day against AIDS in Italian cities

Research and awareness is made especially in the streets, among the people. Small and large urban centers are online to turn the spotlight on HIV . Here are some initiatives and references.

> Milan : 1 December, the prevention tram : a team of volunteers will be available to talk with the public on issues related to prevention and illness with the following path: via Cantù / via Orefici - via Torino - Via Cesare Correnti - Corso of Porta Genova - Via Cristoforo Colombo - Porta Genova and return for a duration of 30 minutes for each journey.

The mayor Giuseppe Sala, on the other hand, will sign the Paris Declaration, adhering to the Fast Track Cities Initiave, an international network whose objective is the defeat of AIDS by 2030, as prescribed by the same UN objectives for sustainable development.

> Rome : Sapienza University and the University Hospital Policlinico Umberto I have also organized two important initiatives to raise awareness among the population, especially young people and students, of the awareness of this still serious illness: the free test until November 30 and the conference "Loving with Wisdom inside the university city".

The event is part of the programming of the European Week of testing week (European HIV-Hepatitis Testing Week), scheduled from November 23rd to 30th 2018 in the European member countries.

Always for the occasion, the red lights of the fight against AIDS will light up on the Cestia Pyramid, one of the most representative monuments of the capital.

> Florence : among the Florentine initiatives a meeting promoted by the municipality in Piazza Sant'Ambrogio from 7.30 pm to 11.00 pm, with entertainment, music and DJ sets and the possibility of enrolling in quick free salivary type tests, with anonymous withdrawal and result in 20 minutes.

> Palermo: the Association "Casa famiglia Rosetta" organized a conference entitled " Beyond the silence on HIV " to be held in the Council Chamber of Palazzo delle Aquile starting at 9.00 am

> Cagliari: Lila Information Banquet, a march to remember those who did not win the battle against AIDS and a special screening on the 30th anniversary of the appearance of the HIV virus. The program of initiatives continues also on Friday 2nd December at the Cineteca Sarda. At 9.00 pm there will be a screening of " Dirty 30 - Thirty Years", a video series by American director Hannelore Williams.

HIV prevention: toll-free number and initiatives

It is possible to consult the complete list of initiatives both on the Lila website on the dedicated page and on the updated pages of the communications of the respective municipalities.

Furthermore, the Aids and IST green telephone of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità - 800 861 061 - will be active from 10 to 18. The Skype contact uniticontrolaids and the email address dedicated exclusively to deaf people will also be available .

All information is on the website and on the ministry website

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