Diet for colitis: natural remedies without drugs

The urgency of finding a bathroom and running: this is what often happens to those suffering from colitis .

And this is independent of the availability of a bathroom nearby. Hence the constant fear of "not arriving on time" with dire consequences.

Colitis must be diagnosed and treated by health professionals . Meanwhile, however, it may be useful to know the natural remedies that can be used immediately, without fear of the side effects of drugs.

Diet for colitis: recommended foods

If you suffer from colitis, you can use these foods without fear :

  • Water, at least 1.5 liters per day
  • Bread, pasta, rice, baked products, based on various cereals (rye, barley, oats) refined and non-integral, in moments of acute symptomatology
  • Fish, at least 3 times a week, cooked simply (roast, baked, steamed)
  • White meat, lightly cooked avoiding fries and excess seasoning
  • Yogurt, if tolerated
  • Fruit, if tolerated: 2 fruits per day
  • Vegetable, if well tolerated: 3 portions a day

Diet for colitis: foods to avoid

To avoid having to look for a bathroom urgently, run away from these foods, especially during periods of exacerbation of colitis:

  • Artificial sweeteners: sorbitols, mannitol, etc.
  • Spirits and spirits
  • Drinks with caffeine: coffee, tea, cola
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Fatty toppings: butter, margarine, complex sauces
  • Sausages
  • Spicy spices, which irritate the intestinal mucosa: pepper, chilli pepper and the like
  • Broth nuts
  • Elaborate desserts rich in creams; cream; ice creams
  • Milk and dairy products in general, especially in acute crises

Nerve colitis: what to eat?

Diet for colitis: foods to limit

These are foods that cause different reactions, according to individual sensitivity : some of us will have to "run urgently" after having hired them, others maybe not: or in the same person, at different times, they will be able to give different reactions. Evaluate them with caution:

  • Legumes : potentially cause of swelling and flatulence, especially if you are not used to consuming them. Prefer the decorticated version or the flours
  • Vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, due to the risk of meteorism
  • Fruits such as bananas, plums, apricots, and raisins, due to the risk of swelling
  • Integral products: to be limited in the acute phases

Diet for colitis: natural remedies

Nutrition remains the fundamental therapy. We also see a series of natural remedies, which can be fearlessly placed side by side or alternate (according to the doctor's opinion) with drugs, perhaps in periods of remission, when colitis gives you less urgency than trying to run a bath.

The natural remedies for colitis will be different, as are the manifestations, which alternate diarrhea with cramps or constipation.

  1. Diarrhea: rice water has an excellent effect, especially for children and highly debilitated elderly. It is obtained after cooking for 30 minutes of 40 grams of rice in a liter of water, eliminating the rice (which will be used for lunch or dinner) and drinking the water several times during the day.
  2. Flatulence and meteorism: is the belly swollen and muttering? Try the seeds of anise, fennel and cumin in an herbal tea prepared with a tablespoon of seed mixture, to boil in water for 15 minutes, then strain and drink 3 cups during the day.
  3. Abdominal cramps: they can serve mallow teas, or the essential oil of basil (for food use, I recommend) in a dose of two drops on a teaspoon of honey 2-3 times a day.
  4. Always: lactic ferments . Get a doctor's advice on how to restore the health of your bacterial flora, which is put to the test by colitis

Very often colitis is linked to emotional factors, to stress or anxiety conditions. In this case, Bach Flowers can be useful: for example, Rock Rose, in case of anxiety, Mimulus in case of anxiety due to insecurity.

Among the natural remedies we also recommend some rules of behavior, which can help improve colitis ... and mood in general

  • Eat slowly, sitting at the table always
  • Adopt an active lifestyle (take the stairs, walk often, ride a bike)
  • Find a physical activity that you like and practice it at least 3 times a day: just a long walk!
  • Stop smoking: smoking, among other damages, irritates the mucous membranes of our body

Discover other herbal remedies to combat colitis

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