Homemade pomegranate liqueur

Pomegranate and alcoholic grenadine

It is a beautiful clear red liqueur, the pomegranate liqueur has an inviting color and numerous beneficial properties.

Rich in antioxidants, as is the fruit from which it is obtained, vitamins and mineral salts, the pomegranate liqueur is also an excellent digestive to be consumed after meals, as an alternative to the famous limoncino or limoncello.

Here is how much you need to prepare it.

Ingredients for about 2 bottles

> 2 large and ripe pomegranates;

> 500 grams / a kilo of whole or refined white cane sugar (or half and a half);

> 1 l of water;

> 1 liter of alcohol at 95 °

> organic lemon peel.

To get an even more intense color, you can replace a part of water to make the syrup with pure fresh pomegranate juice.

Preparation of the alcoholic part of the pomegranate liqueur

Shell the pomegranate well, cleaning the individual grains and discarding the light and bitter parts and peel and washing them well. Put the beans for a couple of days to dry in the sun. Take a large airtight glass jar and place the beans, cover with all the alcohol, close the jar tightly and leave it in the dark for 7 days in the pantry. At this point, the most important operation is to shake the vase once a day.

Preparation of the sweet part of the pomegranate liqueur

After the week, the sweet part of the pomegranate liqueur can be prepared, putting the sugar to dissolve in 1 liter of water over a very gentle heat, in a large pot with a double bottom. Stir from time to time, taking care that the syrup remains clear, without caramelizing. With sugar you can adjust depending on whether you prefer a sweeter taste (so use a kilo) or that you feel more the alcoholic part (therefore from 500 grams). Add the well-washed lemon peel, without the white part, which is then removed. This operation takes about 10 minutes. Allow to cool completely, then add the syrup obtained to the alcoholic part of the jar.

Bottle the homemade liqueur

Mix everything well and filter with a funnel lined with gauze; if you want a clear red crystal liqueur, you can also filter twice. It is good to bottle it using perfectly clean and dry glass bottles.

The liqueur can be consumed after about 20 days, serving it with ice and lemon slices. It can be an original idea for nice gifts for friends and relatives, even as gifts at Christmas.

Read also Liquorice liqueur: the recipe >>

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