Diet in case of diarrhea

There is talk of diarrhea when they occur:

> increased weight of faeces emitted in 24 hours,

> liquid stools,

> frequency of evacuations greater than 3 times a day.

If the disorder lasts less than two weeks we speak of acute diarrhea, beyond this time we speak of chronic diarrhea.

Diarrhea is often infectious in nature, but the causes can be manifold.

An important diarrhea should not be underestimated and it is necessary to ask for the advice of a doctor who will also provide precise information on the most suitable diet.

In general, however, there are some valid dietary rules that can help reduce the symptom and help it disappear.

Diet in case of diarrhea, what to eat

In the case of diarrhea, the diet should be rich in liquids, to reintroduce those lost in feces. It is also indicated to prefer the consumption of foods with astringent qualities and / or able to increase the consistency and the fecal volume, for example apples and raw carrots, boiled potatoes, simple seasoned rice.

To help the body improve immune defenses and strengthen the bacterial flora of the intestine, it is generally recommended to include foods rich in probiotics, such as yogurt and kefir, in the diet.

Herbal teas and natural herbs against diarrhea: what they are and recipes

Diet in case of diarrhea, what to avoid

Sometimes, in chronic diarrhea, the disorder may be due to food intolerance; in this case the first foods to be excluded are obviously those poorly tolerated by one's own body.

However, there are products that can promote the symptom of diarrhea regardless of the underlying cause and that should therefore be avoided or at least reduced during periods when the disorder is present: milk, coffee, alcohol and fruit juices are at the top of the list.

Some sweeteners, such as mannitol and sorbitol, produce a laxative effect and can therefore increase the symptom of diarrhea.

Finally, foods that promote the production of intestinal gas, for example all legumes, should be moderately consumed.

Diet against diarrhea, practical advice

Here are some practical tips that can help you follow a proper diet in case of diarrhea:

  • Eat the rice with your own cooking water .
  • Toast the bread .
  • Avoid milk, cappuccino and coffee ; best to start the day with a lemon tea. Lemon tea is an excellent drink to be consumed also as a breakthrough mid-morning and mid-afternoon. A tea and a slice of toast are a great snack and / or a perfect breakfast when the symptom of diarrhea is present.
  • Take plenty of fluids, but not all together; better small quantities, more often .
  • Avoid sweets, especially those very elaborate and enriched with creams. Even ice creams can increase the symptom of diarrhea. Beware of sweets, especially those rich in sorbitol.

What lactic acid bacteria should be used for diarrhea?

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