Mother's Day, the Moon and much more

The Moon, the feminine and the biological calendar

The Moon and the many implications related to it guide us in this special celebration that involves mothers, sons and daughters. Those who deal with the earth know how important it is to be connected to the biological rhythm of nature that creates and protects. Wine, timber cutting, agricultural work but also cycles that directly involve women, such as the menstrual cycle.

The Moon is in fact a harbinger of a biological calendar used by all civilizations on Earth. The biblical world speaks of it, the legends of the Native Americans, the myths and legends from all over the world. As the feminine exerts a powerful and creative influence, so the Moon exerts on our planet a force of magnetic attraction, a force for lifting liquids. And if our body is made up of a good percentage of water, you draw the conclusions ...

Primitive cultures have always linked the lunar cycle and the cycle of women, both linked to the concept of fertility. It even seems that some statistical surveys highlight the interdependence between the Moon and the duration of gestation: shorter when the gestation started with a crescent Moon, longer when it started with a waning Moon.

Not only. The collection of medicinal herbs, except for a few exceptions such as nettle, must be done during periods of full moon and each variety is better preserved if placed in jars or cardboard boxes during the waning Moon. The ointments should be prepared during the full moon.

Here's how mom can take care of herself in her day

Mother's Day, an opportunity to return to the lunar cycle

Do you have a mother who is passionate about vegetables? Are you passionate about yourself? Why not brush up on indications of ancient Moon-based manuals? The sowing of vegetables that develop the edible parts above the level of the earth (tomatoes, aubergines, peppers, green beans, curbs in general) should be prepared for a crescent moon. A waning Moon sow those vegetables that can anticipate flowering (salads, garlic, basil, spinach, etc.). Transplants, prunings and grafts must be done to the waning Moon.

Once you get your hands in the ground, you might think about giving your mom a natural gift. Everyone has their own, but jumping between natural remedies could be a good idea: a natural cosmetic product, a nice set of natural teas to sip together, or give your mother a yoga class , Feldenkrais or taiji or, why no, a nice massage.

Also make her feel like a goddess. On the other hand, Coyolxauhqui (adorned with golden bells), according to Aztec mythology, is the goddess of the moon. Governor of Huitnauna, the set of the divinities of the Stars, was a powerful sorceress. The story is a bit grim, but we tell you the same: it is said that it was so powerful that it even killed its mother, Coatlicue, who became dishonorably pregnant. The fetus, Huitzilopochtli, came out of Coatlicue's belly and killed his sister, then throwing his head into the sky. This turned into Moon.

Before leaving you, we also recommend a book "Mamma mia, madre nostra", in which the author, Michaela Zadra, explains how to nurture themselves and evolve starting from those who gave us life.

Why not also prepare sweets to celebrate mum?

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