Rash from measles, how to cure the outbreak

The Measles, an exanthematous disease of which we are hearing so much about the controversial topic of vaccines. But it is not our responsibility and above all our competence to enter into this sphere which sees neither winners nor losers.

From a naturopathic point of view we try to understand how we can alleviate the rash of measles .

The Measles

First of all the Measles is a contagious disease caused by a virus of the genus Morbillivirus. It generally affects subjects in the pediatric age that must be isolated and the diagnosed disease must be notified to the ASL of reference.

The identifying symptom is the rash, the rash with papular macules, red dots, first at the neck and face and then on the whole body, at snowfall.

It is generally preceded by fever in crescendo, disorders in the upper airways and Koplik spots, white spots in the mouth. The duration of the illness varies between 10 and 20 days .

There is no cure that "makes people recover from measles", runs by itself. Drugs are prescribed to alleviate symptoms such as fever or sore throat and itching.

The papular macules after having assumed a dark red shade tend to flake, even in this case at snowfall, starting from the upper parts, the face and then gradually going down the body. Fever decreases and disappears after the third / fourth day.

This disease can bring with it some complications, so it is advisable to keep the child well protected at home and to report any small changes to the doctor, to prevent any form of otitis, pneumonia or even encephalitis.

Also read Psoriasis, symptoms and natural cures >>

Remedies for the measles rash

The skin subjected to a similar eruptive stress is subject to itching and burns which are difficult to manage, if no antihistamines are used. Some natural remedies can help to counteract these annoying reactions, to refresh and soothe the epidermis.

For days with a skin rash it becomes difficult to spread any creamy or oily preparation . It is therefore advisable to use an aqueous solution or a hydrolate with which to make pad applications, with gauze or light linen cloths.

Rice starch

We can find powdered or flaked rice starch that can easily dissolve in water. The soothing properties of rice starch are carried out on the skin refreshing it, calming the redness and itching and giving hydration . Applications can be made several times a day with gauze soaked and dried with fresh linen cloths.

Witch Hazel Mucilage

Witch Hazel Mucilage is a watery solution rich in soothing, softening and moisturizing agents. The witch hazel has a decongestant action on the skin, deeply moisturizing, calms the redness and prevents peeling of the skin .

It can be applied in the days following the exanthematic event, to refresh and remove burning and itching . The mucilage can be applied with sponges and then buffered with gauze or linen . If we do not find the mucilage of witch hazel we can use that of mallow making sure it does not contain alcohol.


A Calendula ointment can be a valid refreshing, soothing aid, which reduces redness, burning and itching of the skin affected by Measles. Deeply moisturizes, repairs injuries and prevents scaling . It can be applied with light gestures, without spreading it excessively and letting it be slowly absorbed.

The properties of Calendula extend to very serious skin problems such as burns, bedsores, wounds with turbid scarring.

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