Genital warts: causes and natural remedies

Warts are skin growths caused by the human papilloma virus that can also affect the genital mucosa.

Let's see what are the causes of genital warts, how to prevent them and how to intervene through natural remedies .

Genital warts: what are the causes and how to prevent them

Genital warts, as well as warts in general, are caused by the infection of human papilloma virus (HPV). The virus causes hyperplasia of epidermal cells and keratinization ; the warts that strike the genitals appear therefore as hard growths, similar to small calluses of the skin .

Genital infection occurs through sexual contact and direct contact since the virus can spread from the hands to the genital mucosa when there are micro-lesions on the wart or genital mucous membranes.

To prevent the formation of warts on the genital areas it is therefore good to promptly treat the infection of warts in the hands and pay attention to direct contact between the hands and the genitals, especially in the presence of injuries and avoid unprotected sexual intercourse .

In the case of genital warts it is advisable to rely on the gynecologist to evaluate a possible intervention: if the warts are many, if they relapse, if they are disfiguring or internal, it is likely that the doctor will recommend a wart removal in an outpatient setting.

Facial warts: causes and natural remedies

Natural remedies against genital warts

Against warts there are numerous natural remedies including the pulp of the fresh bulb of garlic; however, being a particularly delicate area of ​​the body, this remedy may be aggressive and cause irritation .

For this reason, against the genital warts the natural remedy that is most often used is podophyllin, a resin extracted from the rhizome of Podofhyllum peltatum, which can be applied locally.

It is also effective the use of external washes based on warm water and tea tree, as well as the local application of aloe gel and tea tree (a drop of essential tea tree oil for a teaspoon of aloe vera gel).

To make external washings with tea tree essential oil, add 5 drops of tea tree essential oil to a tablespoon of rice starch; then disperse the starch in the hot water to be used for cleaning.

To combat the infection caused by the human papilloma virus, a diet rich in retinoids also appears to be effective, so a diet rich in carrots, blueberries and foods containing beta-carotene and vitamin A can be helpful.

In the case of genital warts, however, it is advisable to consult a doctor or gynecologist to evaluate the most appropriate therapy and the possibility of removing the warts through an operation.

Even the dulcamara is a remedy for warts: here's how to use it

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