Light Frequency Essences, the Australian spiritual essences

Curated by Daniela Galbiati, naturopath

The Light Frequency Essences are part of the repertoire of Australian Bush flower essences and are spiritual essences, little known and little used by us. Spiritual essences are a true spiritual journey, one of deepening oneself and one's own research and spiritual evolution.

Along with the Light Frequency Essences, which work at the level of our divine essence or 'Higher Self', there are also the White Light Essences, for healing and cleaning at the soul level. Let's find out what the Light Frequency Essences are.


What are Light Frequency Essences

Ian White considers Light Frequency Essences to be the most powerful Essences I've ever been involved with. These essences work at a very deep level helping the Spirit to reach Wisdom.

They favor the rebalancing and integration of the divine parts, the Masculine with the Feminine, present in each of us. According to White, thanks to this process the connection with the Earth and Nature will be increased so as to maintain a balance even during the spiritual and environmental changes that are taking place around us.

Preparation of Light Frequency Essences

Put 7 drops of Essence in a 15 ml vial, (or 14 drops in 30 ml.), With two thirds of pure water and a third of brandy, as a preservative.

Method of use

We take 7 drops morning and evening under the tongue for a minimum period of two weeks. It is advisable to take each essence alone, not simultaneously with other White Light or Bush Flower Essences essences.

Light Frequency Essences: Antarctic Essence

" This spiritual essence was prepared in the pristine environment of Antarctica, which involves five days of sailing through the" Drake Passage ", one of the most stormy and dangerous areas of the world. Icebergs over 20, 000 years old are the source from which I took water to prepare this essence. In preparing the Antartic Essence I experienced a profound state of peace and tranquility like never before in my life. I was totally invaded by an absolute silence, extraordinary calm, quiet and by the intensity of the Elements of Nature. Antarctica is a wonderful place. I felt an enormous sense of inner tranquility, both because I was in this wonderful place and because I was preparing to give the world the Antarctic Essence. With Love, Light and Respect, Ian "

The fundamental aspect of this essence is that it allows to acquire the awareness of what is necessary in life and in unexpected situations. Its use promotes an extraordinary calm, peace, tranquility helping us to ignore the non-essential things of life.

The purity of Antarctica helps to rediscover one's inner essence, our deepest spirituality, and to eliminate what does not allow access to it.

Antartic Essence helps us to go deeper without being distracted by external events, allowing us to know the true nature of things. If you are too distracted, it will help you find the lost harmony .

Another aspect of this essence is the ability to reveal to us aspects of ourselves that are profound and hidden, and helps to unravel ingrained patterns and beliefs.

It also allows you to find balance and tranquility to face the evolution of your life, showing us the right direction to follow, giving us openness and favoring great changes.

Antartic Essence and Artic Essence act in the best possible way when they are taken one at a time. It is highly recommended that Antartic Essence be used before Artic Essence.

Light Frequency Essences: Artic Essence

" At the beginning of 2007 I received an indication to prepare Artic Essence, in Greenland, which would work side by side with Antartic Essence. This special essence was created at the base of a waterfall near the Russell Glacier, on the edge of the Arctic ice cap. I walked the road that separated me from this distant waterfall to prepare the Essence, with a great sense of excitement for the adventure I was undertaking. I felt extremely joyful and totally free and at the same time amazed by the sensational beauty that surrounded me. This area, and Greenland in general, is very pure energetically and abundant in the presence of the Essence of Nature. I consider the Artic Essence to be extremely important in helping us meet the typical challenges of moments of great change. With Love, Light and Respect, Ian "

Antartic Essence and Artic Essence act in the best possible way when they are taken one at a time. We recommend using Antartic Essence first and then Artic Essence.

Artic will thus favor the release of our inner potential to allow us to see the purity of light that penetrates inside us through Antartic Essence, releasing that energy which was the patrimony of our interiority, waiting to be activated.

This new light will give us new vitality, strength and spiritual awareness by freeing our subconscious from any inhibition.

Through this inner light we can change and restore the balance of the electromagnetic frequency, allowing it to come into harmony with all the changes and energetic transformations of the Earth.

Both essences cooperate to achieve the union of the intimate essence between earth and light, understood light as absolute vitality. Through Antartic Essence we reach the light energy and it is a preparator for the Artic Essence that keeps alive the strength of vitality reached with light.

Artic Essence allows an inner evolution that raises our spirit to the beauty of the light that is within us, a potential that is part of the evolution of the soul and the planetary being. Artic allows you to bring the soul back to a state of innocence and helps activate reason and purity with greater depth.

Glaciers crumble the obstacles they encounter along the way, pulverizing impurities and bringing debris to the surface, so Artic can recover its innocence and purity. Artic Essence allows us to get what we need, to regain vitality, to live a luminous life with joy and happiness.

Find out also what the White Light Essences are and how they work

Light Frequency Essences: Amazon Essence

" This is the third Essence that I created from the Frequency of Light in the National Park of the Natural Botanical Reserve, Nova Aìrum, in Brazil on the shore of an island within the Rio Nero River, which then joins the Amazon River. This island is located in the largest archipelago in the world. Behind me, an impenetrable jungle, while a few meters in front of me in the river you could see dolphins with which I swam. There was a strong sense of light and peace in such an isolated place. Currently, a vast array of dormant and sedimented energies are released from the depths of the Earth, particularly in the Amazon state, as part of the rebirth of the Earth. This is creating an increase in energy flow across the entire planet, a motion that is trying to reconnect to the spiritual sphere. The beating heart of the planet is getting stronger and stronger and this remedy helps to feel and tune in naturally with this event. The idea of ​​being in front of this process is exciting. Amazon Essence is a valuable tool to use during this delicate and natural step. With Love, Light and Respect, Ian "

One of the main aspects of Amazon Essence is the ability to make the person aware, tuned and prepared for the great changes that are taking place in Nature. It allows to stimulate the human brain to a more articulated functioning, making the senses capable of new perceptions, understandings and interpretations of the ancient primordial energies freed from the strength of rocks, waters, trees and from the depths of the Earth. This remedy allows us to align with these powerful energies and teaches us to recognize this new language of Nature.

This process will release a great deal of primordial and unknown knowledge, energies and information released from the Earth. This is what the new changes will entail in the evolution of humanity. Even during the Age of Atlantis, the Kingdom of Elements was perceived at the level of awareness, but the energy connection was very weak. This essence strengthens the connection between the Elements and the natural world.

It also allows access to the awareness that is behind a hardship, stimulating understanding of the problem and identifying the solution without being overwhelmed. It allows you to live life positively without being emotionally and mentally influenced. In this condition, the person creates around himself an energy of love and acceptance, feelings towards which humanity is currently addressing.

Amazon allows the female part to integrate into each of us, bringing calm and thoughtfulness to the male part, which represents the celebration of life in itself, joy, vitality and enthusiasm. Activate the innate will to appreciate, respect and protect life ; it allows you to live in communication with yourself bringing benefits to the mind.

The Amazon and China Essences work hand in hand, the effect of one is enhanced by the other. Both allow us to go beyond problems, anchor and integrate the Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine and help us connect powerfully with Nature and with the Earth.

Light Frequency Essences: China Essence

" China Essence was created in Hangzhou, the ancient capital of China that boasts a history of over 8000 years, in the Lingyin Buddhist Temple region (Temple of the retreat of the Soul). In 1290 Marco Polo, overwhelmed by the beauty of the lake to the west of Hangzhou, wrote: "In Heaven there is Paradise, on Earth there is Hangzhou". In the area of ​​this lake and on the soil of the Temple, one can experience the serenity and calm that represent the true essence of China: an excellent alternative to noise and congestion, as well as to the enormous pollution of Chinese cities. One of the most important qualities of this essence is the fact of favoring the reconnection to the atavistic spirituality of the feminine of the earth. China is traditionally, but still today, the best representative of this aspect, as much as the current greed, cruelty and destruction of its culture and its ancestral roots. Both the Amazon and China Essences work hand in hand to balance the Divine Masculine with the Divine Feminine. Love, Light and Respect, Ian "

The China Essence is addressed not only to the rebalancing of massive destruction, degradation and environmental pollution that are occurring in China, but also to cultural pollution, understood as the loss of ancestral knowledge of ancient traditions. The Earth is experiencing a moment of deep sadness in China, but these problems, extremely alive in that region, are very widespread also in other cultures. This essence represents an opening of the heart that can heal, at a deep level up to touch the soul, pains and sorrows due to the loss of connection with the Spirit and the origins.

China is traditionally a country of great peace and for this reason it is considered the maximum representative of the divine energy of the Feminine which symbolizes that profound serenity that goes beyond material difficulties. These qualities, however, have been hidden by stratifications due to conquests, endurance, the current state of materialism and the worship of money. This Essence helps to reach a state of peace and calm, to align with the Female Spirituality of the Earth and to strengthen our connection with the Spirit.

When both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine are present in equal measure, men and Earth reach a state of equilibrium. If the Divine Feminine is missing, humanity loses the natural rhythm of life. Without the peaceful and serene presence of one of the two, the other becomes more active, more active, bold and unbalanced. The Amazon and China Essences work together, the effect of one is enhanced by the other. Both allow us to go beyond problems, anchor and integrate the Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine and help us connect powerfully with Nature and with the Earth.

Essence China is a balm for the anxieties of the soul, it also helps to forgive oneself, a fundamental step to let go of guilt and karma, an attitude that can foster true love . It is therefore indicated in these times of changes in the frequency of the Earth, which make us experience the feeling of not "being able to hold up" and experiencing incredible pressure.

Light Frequency Essences: Lake Baikal Essence

To prepare the fifth essence of the Light Frequency Essence group, I went to Lake Baikal in the southeastern part of Siberia. It is the oldest and deepest freshwater lake in the world, so as to contain one fifth of all the fresh water on earth. Lake Baikal is slowly expanding and could one day become the fifth ocean, between Mongolia and Siberia; it is one of the most spiritually elevated places on the planet and maintains its antiquity and spiritual energy, protecting it with great care. In its deepest part, it is a portal between the worlds, a place on the planet that allows the being of light to incarnate, It is not an easy place to travel. Lake Baikal helps to reconnect our mental aspect with the emotional body; promotes and drives self-healing; integrates the male and female Divine and brings joy back into the heart and soul of each of us. It is a very special essence. With Love, Light and Respect, Ian "

Lake Baikal still retains the characteristic energy of ancient civilizations, of the period when Earth and humanity flowed entirely and clearly from the quiet and serenity of their heart which was one with the Divine. Lake Baikal gives you access to this uncorrupted tranquility.

The remedy captures the original energy essence of Lake Baikal and generates confidence in life, calm and acceptance of the changes that are coming to us. This Essence is particularly appropriate in these times because it is able to accelerate understanding and openness to the new energies of aggregation, global unity, balance and harmony, that is, everything that will help us intensely in the changes that are taking place at every level around us . The Lake Baikal Essence helps each of us find, within ourselves, the point of balance between the Divine Masculine and the Feminine.

Baikal Essence for man

Over time the emotional body of the "male" has been compressed, losing its elasticity and fluidity: it has given itself the order to "control itself" and "control" its feelings. This exasperated form of control can lead to violent manifestations and various problems such as, for example, heart disease. Baikal allows the connection between man and his intuitive power helping him to perceive and express his emotions, that is the feminine part, favoring a sense of serenity and awareness of being oneself.

Baikal Essence for women

Baikal helps the woman find her Yang side, male, and her power, the power of Love and creation. She is not imitating the male model or trying to be like a man that the woman will find her Yang, but by coming into contact with her own feminine, it will naturally enrich her masculine.

Light Frequency Essences: Madagascar Essence

" Madagascar was prepared in the Ankarana Special Reserve, in the far north of the island. It is a place of stunning beauty, still totally unspoiled today, considered one of the jewels of Madagascar and characterized by an energy of incredible calm and peace. Madagascar is geographically separated from Africa 165 million years ago. Thanks to this isolation, this land is today an explosion of many exotic animal and plant species with bizarre characteristics, including lemurs and chameleons. Madagascar was colonized just 2000 years ago by Malaysian sailors. It is a country where people have traditionally been particularly predisposed to nightlife. This can explain the great kindness and serenity that dwell in this land and among this population, unlike the neighboring inhabitants of Africa. The population of Madagascar, the Malagasy, is composed of about 2 million individuals and includes 17 tribes. Among these different tribes there is a cooperation characterized by harmony, tolerance and tranquility. "Madagascar Essence" reflects this aspect and helps to make contact with kindness and harmony by promoting relationships with other human beings, animals and the earth. However, his greatest gift is to allow himself to detach himself from the common thought and his predisposition to illness and disease. With Love, Light and Respect, Ian "

The most important rebalancing aspect of Madagascar Essence is its ability to help eradicate the disease by favoring the removal of limiting beliefs that orbit around the concept of health and well-being that human beings receive from collective thought. One example is the belief that as the years go by our mind and our body grow old, and that our life expectancy cannot exceed 70 years. This has become a limiting conditioning concretely rooted in collective thought: we have forgotten that reaching 70 years means being roughly half of the natural life cycle of man.

Each is influenced by the collective thought, of which it is a part, already at the moment of conception. Even the illness, be it physical, emotional or mental, is the result of the collective's participation in common thought. Our thoughts, emotional reactions and beliefs, all aspects that can create disease, come mainly from our connection with common thought or are strongly influenced by it. Man has moved away from the original design model that wanted it in balance and in harmony with nature, animals and his neighbor; thus it created illness, alienation, collective thought and imbalance.

There are many methods to cure diseases, but before intervening and, in order for the method used to be totally effective, the predisposition to disease must be eradicated. This essence rebalances the tendency to develop the disease and with the use of other remedies aimed at the energy situation related to the specific disease, it can favor its resolution. Once the susceptibility to the disease is overcome, it is necessary, to avoid falling back into the same problem, to stay away from methodologies and philosophy that impose rigid dogmas and that inhibit the person to represent himself / herself with his / her own individuality and his / her capacity for understanding and knowledge.

Removing the tendency to illness creates an inner spirituality, a space of peace, harmony and balance, able to allow a perfect alignment with the universe, thanks to which all things are possible. Thus the possibility of choice comes true, without conditioning. This removal "cleans" the first three chakras, allowing energy to flow to the higher chakras: this promotes union with the universal essence, activating the highest potentials of every aspect of the person.

Light Frequency Essences: Mount Pinatubo Essence

" The seventh and last Light Frequency Essence was prepared on the shores of a volcanic lake, formed on the crater of Mount Pinatubo, 90 km north of Manila in the Philippines. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo, in June 1991, was the second largest in the twentieth century. Over 5 billion cubic meters of ash and debris, expelled at an impressive speed, were projected into the atmosphere reaching a height of 34 km. The eruption killed more than 800 people and about 100, 000 were homeless. Mt Pinatubo Essence helps you connect with the deep pulse of the Earth and allows you to be "in the right place and at the right time", anchored and centered at a time of important Earth changes. With love, Light and Respect, Ian "

The Essence Mount Pinatubo gives the necessary security that allows you to throw away the mask of fear and conformism to show and shine in the full light of your being; favors an attitude of total availability in sharing one's uniqueness, making one's own contribution to the Universe.

The profound knowledge of the self increases the awareness of one's own path and how to do it. Representing ourselves in a different way from what we really are, can constitute barriers that take us away from the path to reach the goal for which we are in this life, that is the complete realization of ourselves. This knowledge gives the security of affirming: "this is what I am", "this is what is important to me", "this is what I will focus on". Change brings with it new insights and new achievements.

Mt. Pinatubo Essence favors the connection with the pulsating vibration of the Earth and with future events, allowing us to know where we need to be and what is safe for us. It helps us to remain so anchored to the ground and aligned with our own inner wisdom. The Essence creates the availability to get out of its own blocks, favoring the flow of cosmic forces in our interiority.

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