Lentil sprouts: properties, benefits and use

Lentil sprouts are an inexhaustible source of protein and have antioxidant, remineralising, cholesterol-lowering, anti-arteriosclerotic properties . Let's find out better.

Description of the lentil

By the generic name "lentils" we mean the seeds of a fabacea cultivated and consumed always and in all areas of the globe. There are numerous cultivars of Lens culinaris, and this variability is also demonstrated in the characteristics of the seeds: we have small and orange lentils, others more flat and yellow, others even more plump and brown, but there are also green, rosé, black and white .

India is the world's leading producer and, not surprisingly, lentils are a cornerstone of its cuisine; but they are also consumed in the Arab countries, in China, in North America. In particular, they are abundantly found in the recipes of vegetarian and vegan kitchens more attentive to iron intake and, above all, vegetable proteins.

Composition of lentil sprouts

As mentioned, lentils and lentil sprouts are exceptionally rich in protein, among the best sources of vegetable protein. In addition to proteins and a vast spectrum of essential amino acids, it is worth noting the high iron content, so much that one hundred grams of lentil sprouts and covering more than 20% of the average daily requirement.

To add the presence of vitamins A, B vitamins and mineral salts such as zinc, phosphorus and magnesium.

Properties and benefits

The range of nutraceutical components indispensable for the health and well-being contained in lentil seeds is exponentially increased in lentil sprouts, therefore we are talking about an ideal food to bring iron and vegetable proteins to the metabolism.

The properties generally attributed to these shoots are those antioxidant, remineralizing, cholesterol-lowering, anti-arteriosclerotic .

You can learn more about the properties and benefits of lentils

Organoleptic characteristics and uses of lentil sprouts

The lentil sprout is a joker: candid, rather neutral and versatile . It lends itself to many kinds of recipes, such as raw in salads and bruschetta or as a side dish, or lightly steamed and seasoned.

It is appreciated in both vegetable and vegetable soups and soups and is a not bad condiment even for cold pasta or rice. A slight preliminary burn eliminates the tendency to generate aerophagia.

The properties and benefits of lentil flour

Germination secrets

The lentil seeds have a great germination: they grow quickly and numerous . It is important to consume the sprouts with all the seed and before the leaves snack: once the vegetative phase of production of the leaves begins, an irreversible loss of many nourishing principles takes place.

Therefore, after soaking for about ten to twelve hours, depending on the variety, the lentils will sprout in a period of two to five days in a special tray or sprout. At that point they will have to be stored in the refrigerator.

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