Acupuncture as a therapy for fibromyalgia

Acupuncture is a therapy that consists of stimulating precise areas of the skin with needles and is able to give beneficial effects in many diseases.

It is an ancient medicine recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization), which is necessarily practiced by a doctor perfected in this technique. It is characterized by an interesting therapeutic effect, above all due to the great tolerability and the low risk of the method.

Despite the fact that acupuncture originates from the knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a mine of wisdom, the acupuncturist however makes use of scientific validation processes that make it usable even in the contemporary world. The treatment of pathologies characterized by pain and non-lesional dysfunction is the most common field of application for acupuncture.

A field of application of this therapy is, in fact, fibromyalgia, a syndrome characterized by migratory pains involving various areas of the body with rigidity.

Generally, there are sleep disturbances, anxiety, fatigue, tiredness, muscle-tension headache and irritable bowel. It is a stress-related disorder that worsens with stress and climate change.

Pain is often associated with swelling and joint stiffness. On palpation it is possible to identify numerous areas, generally located in correspondence of muscle-tendon insertions or bony prominences, whose compression causes or accentuates the pain, called “tender points”.

Traditional pharmacological therapies based on painkillers, muscle relaxants and antidepressants are poorly effective, while acupuncture gives excellent results, as it acts both on the fibromuscular component and on the stress that determines it.

In fact, this technique, due to its harmonizing action, is one of the means that allow man to maintain and regain psychic balance and must be considered the elective treatment in the treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome, also due to its important decontracting and analgesic action .

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