Vomiting: symptoms, causes, all remedies

The vomit, or emitted, is caused by the involuntary contraction of the muscles of the abdomen, and indicates a state of malaise that can be triggered by other different factors. Let's find out better.

Ginger among natural remedies for vomiting

Symptoms of vomiting

In addition to the urge to vomit or vomiting of one's own, one can also have general illnesses, fever, weakness, pallor or others depending on the cause that generates the problem.


Vomiting is always an indication of a state of discomfort that can be triggered by various factors. Trauma, neurological problems, car sickness, fever, particular psychophysical states, indigestion and more. For this multiplicity of causes it is good to investigate with careful examinations when necessary.

Vomiting can also occur in non-pathological circumstances : at the beginning of pregnancy, as a consequence of hormonal changes, or during a journey (by plane, by ship, etc.) due to the movement of liquids present in the inner ear. When the illness lasts over time without vomiting or other organic signs, it could be a symptom of a psychological nature that expresses a feeling of disgust, of rejection.


The diagnosis is to analyze p roblemi in the digestive gastrointestinal tract, possible food poisoning or gastroenteritis, and unauthorized food, pyloric stenosis, or intestinal struction, a peptic disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, g astritis, erythonitis or inflammation of the membranes inside the abdomen, intestinal problems, appendicitis, pancreatitis, gall bladder inflammation, liver disease, nerve problems, vertigo, Ménière's disease.


Feeding in case of vomiting

The diet will be revised especially in the case of vomiting due to indigestion, or an alteration of the normal digestive process, which causes heartburn and stomach acid, nausea, abdominal bloating and other related symptoms. Indigestion can also be linked to other causes, such as stress, smoking, or taking specific medications.

We recommend the use of baking soda, mint, honey and lemon . In general, it is necessary to make the stomach "rest", drinking lots of liquids (in particular water) and combining a minimal diet and above all avoiding foods with another fat content or excessively heavy ones (sausages, aged cheeses, red meats, excess flour) . Drinking a glass of water and lemon, for example, helps resolve acidosis.

Watch out for some vitamin families! Vitamin B6, C and K are useful to reduce the feeling of nausea. Give us in then with sweet peppers, leafy cabbage, turnip tops, broccoli, spinach.

You can deepen your diet by vomiting

Herbal remedies

Many natural products help in case of vomiting. A cure is the infusion prepared with ginger root, as it brings an immediate feeling of well-being.

Equally useful is drinking a warm peppermint tea , a plant that helps to relax the stomach muscles. An infusion of chamomile may be useful to cushion the feeling of nausea.

Bach flowers for vomiting

Aspen ( Populus tremula) is the flower of Bach indicated for those who live with a state of constant fear and with a physical sensation of nausea.

Compared to Mimulus, which treats fears of known origin, Aspen goes to act on phobias of uncertain or unknown origin and helps a lot in the frequent episodes of vertigo and nausea.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupressure from the Eastern tradition provides one of the best known solutions to reduce the sensation of nausea, requiring nothing more than sitting, and rubbing, putting pressure on the point where the nerve that produces the feeling of nausea is concentrated, this point is found just between the forefinger and the thumb, applying a slight pressure you will feel an immediate relief, it is very relaxing even when you are not feeling sick.

Acupuncture can be associated with this treatment: Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends certain points to treat the nausea that is interpreted as Qi Ni (counter-current energy) of Stomach.

Aromatherapy for vomiting

It may be useful to carry a bottle of ginger essential oil and in case of nausea such as pregnancy, pour a few drops into a handkerchief and breathe the fragrance.

Even the essential oil of anise is indicated in vomit casp.

Homeopathic remedies

It is possible to treat nausea and vomiting using mainly the homeopathic remedy Nux vomica (from the grated seed, it is a plant rich in alkaloids). In case of nausea and vomiting the homeopath could indicate the intake of 3 granules of Nux Vomica 5CH, to be taken several times a day. It is always good to hear the opinion of the homeopath, to identify the causes of the nausea and act on them.

Exercises in case of vomiting

A natural remedy that acts directly on the state of the digestive system is colon hydrotherapy . In moments of acute attack it is good to let go of the muscles that contract during the spasms caused by nausea; techniques such as autogenic training and guided imaging technique can help to adopt these forms of conscious control.


Cures and natural remedies for nausea

Other articles on vomit:

> How to cure the fear of vomiting with Bach flowers

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