Schussler salts, description and use

Schüssler salts or Tissue salts are twelve preparations based on diluted mineral salts, used for therapeutic purposes in natural and complementary medicine, created in the second half of the nineteenth century by the German doctor Wilhelm Schüssler. Let's find out better.



What are Schüssler salts?

The dott. Schüssler stated that cells make tissues sick when they no longer contain minerals in the amounts they need to maintain good health .

Schüssler salts are derived from inorganic sources, but can also be derived from plants. They are diluted and dynamized homeopathically, followed by a succussion process, but they are not to be considered homeopathic preparations, as they do not follow the rule of the simillimum ; dilution simply allows you to get better into your blood and act faster.

The action is not to compensate for a quantitative deficiency, but to compensate for a deficiency that can be defined as "informative", in the sense that by taking these preparations the information is sent so that the organism uses the mineral substances of that specific salt, which are already present in it, and absorb the mineral salts of food better.

The body and the cells are thus encouraged to "learn" to absorb the mineral salts from the diet in sufficient quantity and in a balanced way, so as to reconstitute also the reserves. This is essentially the mechanism that underlies modern biochemistry .

These salts are available as tablets to be dissolved under the tongue, powder or ointment and can be sold without a prescription, as they are considered dietary supplements .

When combined with proper nutrition, they promote both physical and biological and psycho-physical well-being.

The choice of the most appropriate salt is not only linked to the symptom that manifests itself, but the diagnosis for the recognition of deficiencies of mineral salts can take place according to the visual method of Dr. Hickethier or through kinesiology or radioesthesia.

How do they work?

The twelve salts are chosen for the treatment of certain ailments, for long or rather long periods . They can also be prescribed to restore the general state of health of a person, without any prevailing specific disease.

They are generally taken by mouth, before or after meals, making them dissolve very slowly under the tongue, without drinking. Here are the 12 salts behind Schüssler's theories:

  • Calcium fluoratum (Calcium fluoride) . It works for all those disorders in which there is a loss of elasticity, both bone and venous, dental, glandular or other organs. Also suitable for fighting phlegm. It is a slow remedy, to be taken for long periods.
  • Calcium phosphoricum (Acid calcium phosphate) . It is an abundant salt throughout the body, important for the skeletal system, for growth and for the constitution of the organism. It is a phosphate essential also for the digestive processes and assimilation of substances. It favors the formation of red blood cells, it is tonic and indicated in cases of anemia and little tonicity. Also indicated in periods of convalescence, after illness.
  • Calcium sulfuricum (Calcium sulfate) . It is an excellent remedy for healing infections, as it facilitates the formation and evacuation of pus.
  • Ferrum phosphoricum (Iron phosphate) . It is an excellent remedy for febrile syndromes and many acute inflammatory diseases (sinusitis, bronchitis, cystitis, etc.). It is excellent in case of traumatisms and after surgical operations.
  • Kalium muriaticum or chloratum (Potassium chloride) . This is an effective salt in the chronic catarrhal states of the upper and lower respiratory tracts (in particular in the tubal catarrh).
  • Kalium phosphoricum (Potassium phosphate) . It is the specific salt of the nervous system, it is assumed in the case of neurological pathologies, such as depression, nervous exhaustion; it is also indicated in the predisposition of children to have blood from the nose, in asthma, in urinary incontinence, in insomnia and in nervous gastropathy.
  • Kalium sulfuricum (Potassium sulphate). Indicated for all chronic inflammations. In general, it helps detoxify the body; it is indicated in chronic bronchitis, in pertussis, in some affections of the skin, in digestive disorders, in intestinal catarrh, in vaginal discharge and in conjunctivitis, irregular menstrual cycle.
  • Magnesium phosphoricum (Magnesium acid phosphate) . Among Schüssler's salts, it is the antispastic remedy par excellence, and it also acts in many nerve disorders. It is particularly suitable for very nervous subjects with a lean, dry and sometimes emaciated appearance.
  • Natrium muriaticum or chloratum (Sodium chloride) . It is an absolutely essential salt for life, about half of the total sodium is found in the extracellular fluid. Its function is to regulate the degree of hydration of the cells and taking Natrum mur means restoring the body's water balance. It acts on the lymphatic system, on the blood, on the liver, on the spleen and on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Natrium phosphoricum (Sodium biacid sulfate) . Natrium ph has the power to reduce excess blood sugar or excess lactic acid. It also acts on the intestinal, glandular and pulmonary levels.
  • Natrium sulfuricum (anhydrous sodium sulphate) . This salt acts mainly at the hepatobiliary and renal level. It is considered an excellent remedy for flu.
  • Silicea (Silicic acid) . This is the important salt for the body's tissues, as it increases its resistance, which is essential for the formation of hair, skin and nails. Silicea is particularly indicated also in the case of inflammations, both acute and chronic.

What ailments cure Schüssler salts

Schüssler salts intervene to alleviate, prevent and assist in the treatment of various disorders. Among these are: dysfunctions of the skeletal system or nervous system, such as bone fragility, contractures, spinal pathologies, various neuralgias including sciatica, or rheumatic affections of joints and fractures; spasms and convulsions, nervous palpitations; problems of the respiratory system, such as phlegm, asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis, sinusitis or colds.

Tissue changes, such as various types of inflammation (caries, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, fistulas, wounds, hematomas), organ sensations, hypertrophy of the liver, gravel, gout. They also serve to restore the balance of the skin, in cases of edema, dermatitis, blisters, warts.

They help the digestive system, even in children, by intervening in the event of regurgitation, belching, acid vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea. They are also useful in cases of vaginal discharge, cystitis, thyroid dysfunction and during pregnancy.

Who are Schüssler salts designed for?

They are suitable salts for all those people, Azians, adults, children, who wish to consider a natural and allopathic treatment, sweet to usually chronic disorders. They are also good for sportsmen, especially for the prevention of cramps or contractures.

They can be kept at home and are comfortable to carry, easy to use. As seen, they are indicated for various disorders, both acute and chronic.

Many non-serious diseases can be treated exclusively with salts; in pathologies that require conventional medical treatment they have proved to be a valid support. They are taken in tablets, in globules, in drops or in the form of ointment.

The law in Italy and abroad

Schüssler salts represent a non-conventional therapeutic method and not being recognized by official medicine; for minor ailments, trust the pharmacist-homeopath.

In the case of chronic diseases or recurrent acute episodes, it is advisable to consult an experienced doctor, who will be able to show you the salts that are right for you.

Germany is the country where they are mostly used, they also cost much less than in Italy.

Associations and reference bodies

There are various associations of naturopathy that support this type of care and organize courses, for example on salts and visual diagnosis according to the teachings of dr. Hickethier ; salts for the most common female disorders; salts for children through face reading; or even self-preparation workshops for creams using Schussler's creams, Bach flowers and essential oils.

Among the sites that can be suggested for further study, we remind you of Sali from

Dr. Hickethier's visual diagnosis: what is it?

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