Stretching after training

Is it useful to do stretching after training or physical activity?

Lactic acid

Lactic acid is a by-product of the anaerobic activity of the muscles, from which it flows into the blood, reaching the inactive heart, liver and muscles, to then be converted back to glucose . At the end of an intense and prolonged physical exercise, it can happen that the muscles produce more lactic acid over time than the heart, liver and inactive muscles are able to metabolize.

The concentration of lactic acid in the blood can increase to the point that it is no longer disposed of by the active muscles: here the subject perceives fatigue, burning and pain, associated with poor mobility of the parts of the body.

It's just a question of metabolism and excess lactic acid will be disposed of by the body.

Then there is also the phenomenon of delayed onset muscle soreness, the effect of which only affects skeletal muscles. The period of interest is five or six days.

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Stretching after training

Ten or fifteen minutes of stretching after training are useful to avoid annoying contractures and to maintain the elasticity of the muscles.

It is advisable to keep the muscle stretched, preventing it from contracting and becoming aware of it and, over time, to cause incorrect postures in the subject, sometimes associated with pain.

Post-training pains are always there and stretching helps muscle recovery and alleviation of suffering, especially if you undergo a constant training cycle. Be very careful when hiring the stretching positions.

Pain must never be present in any stretching exercise.

Some hints on the types of lengthening . We can distinguish between an active and a passive type of elongation, which implies the use of external forces. Passive stretching can be static or dynamic.

Is it useful to stretch before training?

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