Alpinia galanga, properties and benefits

Let's talk about Alpinia Galanga or more known as Galanga Maggiore .

It is a herbaceous plant that can reach 2 meters in height, characterized by large leaves, up to 60 cm long and 15 cm wide, with a lanceolate shape, flowers with a white raceme-green corolla.

The Galanga owes part of its characteristic name, Alpinia, to the Italian botanist Prospero Alpino, professor of botany at the University of Padua in the first decade of the 1600s . Galanga is originally from Indonesia, Java to be exact and prof.

Alpine had introduced it in the botanical garden of Padua, thus contributing to its spread.

The Galanga Maggiore belongs to the Zingiberaceae family and the part used in herbal medicine is the rhizome, particularly fleshy and aromatic, very similar to ginger.

In the East the various species of Galanga are widely used in the kitchen; on the market are the Alpinia Officinarum known as Galanga Minore, the Alpinia Speciosa also known as Galanga Chiara, the Kaempferia Galanga also known as Chinese Galanga.

Property of the Galanga Maggiore

The Alpinia Galanga is composed of essential oil rich in alpha-bergamotene, beta-bisabolene, eugenialcetate and flavonoids such as galangin.

It has anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, immunostimulant, antiallergic, eupeptic, carminative, expectorant, antimicrobial, antifungal, vermifuge properties .

As we can understand, it is a root with a thousand indications, useful in many cases also for chained disorders, such as the lowering of the immune defenses and the onset of bacterial colonies.

Indications and benefits of the Galanga Maggiore

The Alpinia Galanga is indicated in case of rheumatism, osteoarthritis, lowering of the immune defenses, allergic states, candidiasis, dyspepsia, bronchial catarrh, meteorism.

It then deflates the stomach, promotes digestion, cleans the intestine, also serves to eliminate bronchitis and reduce the symptoms of asthma.

No contraindications have been detected, but as a precautionary principle it is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. Instead, it may show interaction with some immunosuppressive drugs, decreasing their effectiveness.

In Ayurvedic medicine the indicated daily dosage is 1-3 grams of powder or 50-100 ml of decoction.

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