Manual medicine and homeopathy

By manual medicine we mean a medical diagnostic and therapeutic act that uses exclusively or mainly physical means constituted by the hands of the operator, possibly supplemented by simple tools that amplify their effectiveness.

The operator of MM is and must therefore be a doctor, who uses parameters belonging to Medicine, as far as medical history, clinic, diagnosis and subsequent therapy are concerned.

The manual action is both diagnostic (as we shall see) and therapeutic.

He works thanks to his own hands, but he can also use simple tools that amplify its use (and, obviously, being a doctor, even drugs, which however will only have the function of adjuvant therapy).

Some basic principles of homeopathy

It is commonly believed that homeopathy is exhausted in the so-called Law of the Like, whereby the medicine similar to the patient, or able to reproduce the pathological symptoms, has a therapeutic virtue.

In reality, homeopathy is fundamentally a method that defines the doctor's tasks with some precision and offers guidance, based on laws observable in nature, aimed at healing.

Its elements are therefore numerous and varied and, as we shall see, it does not necessarily need to rely solely on drugs. Let's look at some of the cornerstones very briefly.

1. Concept of illness: the patient has always and only one disease, characterized by the set of its symptoms and manifestations, which individualize it. In practice, sickness and sickness become an indivisible whole.

2. Definition of a doctor : it is he who has the will and capacity to bring the patient to recovery.

3. Concept of healing: this, to be defined as such, must lead to the cessation of the totality of the patient's pathological symptoms and this must also take place according to certain criteria, or in a rapid, gentle, lasting manner and for obvious principles.

4. Principles of healing: the healing process must be carried out, as mentioned above, in a reasonably rapid manner, in a gentle way, once and for all and according to certain characteristics, which offer the physician valuable elements of evaluation: the trend of symptoms, particularly in chronic diseases, it must be carried out from top to bottom, from inside to outside, from the center to the periphery. If all these criteria are met, the doctor will know that his patient is proceeding in the right direction and his recovery will be stable over time.

5. Law of the like: what has the power to reproduce, with external intervention, as similarly as possible, the set of symptoms manifested by the patient also has healing power. This is the fundamental principle of this therapeutic method aimed at healing, which is contained in the term "homeopathy" itself: similar pathology.

6. Tasks of the doctor: he must observe the patient well, listen to him carefully, discover possible causal links of his pathological manifestations and remedy them promptly, detect the set of his manifestations and his symptoms without giving preconceived interpretations, "hierarchize" and characterize the above and to relate it to the basic characteristics of the patient, such as the physiology of his main functions, temperament, the environment in which he lives, his eating habits, the type of work, etc. After this necessary first phase of knowledge, he will have to make a summary that will allow him to relate it to the most convenient and personalized therapy possible.

7. Personalization of the therapy: the therapy will be successful if it is directed to the person and not to its symptoms or to the alleged pathology that the patient manifests. The "classic" homeopath will have to identify the simillimum drug, that is, that it meets the best possible law of the like. The doctor of manual medicine, which acts in accordance with the principles of homeopathy, must be able, by treating specific points of the body, to reproduce its manifestations and symptoms.

8. Reaction to therapy: a good prognostic sign, in addition to the progression of the symptoms we saw in point 4, is a particular reaction of the patient that occurs immediately after or in the days immediately following the administration of the therapy. It is referred to as homoeopathic aggravation, in that with greater intensity (aggravation) the patient manifests symptoms similar to his original disease (homeopathic). All this must obviously take place in a short time and prelude to a subsequent improvement of the general conditions of the person.

Why "Manual Homeopathy"?

Very simply because by using the manual approach we are able to satisfy all those homeopathic principles indicated in the previous chapter.

That is, with the instrument of our hands we are able to bring the patient to rapid, sweet and lasting healing .

With the help of the healing principles we can observe and understand the direction the patient is taking and take appropriate action.

Even the Law of Similar People is satisfied: the doctor of manual medicine, who acts in accordance with the principles of homeopathy, knows that the healing prognosis is closely related to his ability, in the course of therapy, to reproduce, in a manner the symptomatology complained of by the patient is more similar and a little more intensely.

The knowledge approach in observation, listening, interrogation and subsequent manual verification goes to investigate, without prejudice, what the patient expresses, with all the details and peculiarities. Using his own hands, the doctor will have an extra knowledge tool that normally the "classic" homeopath neglects to use, for the simple reason that it does not have the cultural tools. The hands, in fact, have the ability to discover things that simple observation and listening does not allow us to grasp.

Manual medical therapy is always personalized and must be conducted under the strict guidance of the patient himself (more personalized than that!).

Immediate reactions are usually observed, with rapid and fleeting aggravation of local symptoms and reproduction of various symptoms, including emotional ones, always characteristic of the patient.

Reactions of the following day are frequently observed, which can last from a few hours to a few days and which, from common experience, also constitute a good prognosis.

In conclusion, this highly sophisticated instrument made up of human hands makes it possible to "see", diagnose, often understand and have in themselves, if well known how to use it, a directly therapeutic function. With this you don't want to deny the drug in Homeopathy, which is and will remain a powerful healing tool. The doctor is simply given an additional tool, which is at least as useful and which does not prevent the subsequent or simultaneous use of the homeopathic medicine.

What we want to do here for now is to understand that:

· The doctor of manual medicine has the possibility to bring his patient to healing if he adopts the principles of homeopathy;

· The doctor who is already Homeopath, if he uses certain principles and criteria of manual medicine, will have in addition a diagnostic and therapeutic instrument of at least equal power to the pharmacological one.

By Manual Homeopathy we therefore mean manual medicine that consciously adopts the principles of homeopathy.

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