Kratos method: developing the martial spirit in nature

Since ancient times, warriors have forged body and spirit in contact with Nature .

The true warrior has always led an inner battle, first of all against his own ego, the element of being that prevents harmony with the universe, both in time of war and of peace.

Let's see what the martial artist Davide Morini thinks about and discover the method he called Kratos

Davide, who follows the martial arts in Italy, recognizes you as a leading figure, a complete martial artist, a warrior, but also a fine researcher of technique and the martial spirit. Tell us something about your journey.

I started practicing martial arts at the age of 11 with Shotokan karate in the country where I lived in the Milanese suburbs. Later I approached the Yoseikan Budo and the sport practice both inside the Yoseikan and in the point fighting .

Up to the age of 25 I competed in these two disciplines entering both in the national team and winning the world title; subsequently in the national team of Yoseikan Budo I also became the coach for a couple of years.

Then began a "my" course of technical study in other martial and sporting disciplines, but not only: I started to get interested in yoga and I did in-depth courses that enriched the knowledge of what until then was just a passion: the mountain, climbing and trekking .

Around the age of 30 I moved to a farm immersed in the woods in Trentino and I started again to dedicate myself to the competitive spirit in the MMA obtaining good results, but above all consolidating the bases of the method to which I gave the name of KRATOS .

Can you define what the difference between martial art and combat sports is for you?

Martial art is travel and combat sport is one of the places I am visiting as a teacher and I have visited as a competitor to ensure that my journey is complete.

Many martial arts do not seem to devote space to forging a "martial spirit" while others seem to limit themselves to supporting it without great results. What are the essential elements, in your opinion, that make up the Way of the Warrior?

The essential elements are those that will allow the "warrior" to have the means, as solid as possible, in order to face the battle that will arise in front of him.

But now we must ask ourselves: what war or battle must we fight? A war with swords bows and arrows, an attack on the road or in a ring, or the battle of life ... the one inside us? If we need to forge something, at least that is useful for our purpose and for our time.

What are the most important elements of the ancient mazial arts and which of the new disciplines in the perspective of developing such a Spirit?

Once the direction is understood, the elements always remain the same: a constant and disciplined daily training made of solid technical bases, an intense physical training and a lot of comparison in the randori or sparring if you prefer; a correct use of breathing techniques and a correct and profound interaction with mother earth .

How do you combine meditation with martial arts?

What is the role of nature in all this? What helped you?

Nature, in my case my Bosco, is something around me, it breathes and vibrates with me; it helps the practice as much as a group of close-knit training partners who daily support you in difficulties and conquests.

As I do with men, sometimes I get rid of them with the Bosco, we fight, because as often happens we expect "something", a return; sometimes instead they are in complete harmony and I enjoy the simple stay inside.

It is not easy for me to explain it in words without seeming to be a possessed or at the limit of madness, so I will not do it, but it is precisely for this reason that the gatherings in the Bosco were born, since everyone can experience this on their own skin to fully experience the contact with the mother of us all .

How would you describe the Kratos method, which sets you apart?

The Kratos method is the fusion of everything I mentioned above. The path that I propose in my method is a fusion between an intense practice at the Dojo combined with a fundamental competitive experience and an awareness of oneself through breathing techniques and gatherings.

Whether they are in the woods or, as we do in the summer, at the sea on the wild island of Capraia together with the "EVOLUTION" group, a group of old friends, all of them at the highest level in their discipline who share this project with me growth of the human being.

The next appointment with the EVOLUTION CAMP will be in Trentino on horseback between training at the Dojo and 2 days in the woods of the magnificent mountain community of Folgaria the next 3-4-5 February.

Martial arts: which ones to choose?

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