Mixture of essential oils for the neck

The neck, together with the face and hands, is often considered the visiting card: the first portion of the body that a person sees of us, even in situations where we are very covered, as in winter. And, together with the hands and face, it is particularly affected by the signs of aging.

The skin of the neck is as delicate as that of the face and often it is cared for in a limited way: most of the time we focus on the skin of the face and neglect the whole of the neck.

Unlike the skin on the face, however, the neck is less affected by the signs due to the passage of emotions and responds to treatments with essential oils in more restricted times .

Essential oils are therefore a natural and effective remedy for taking care of the skin of the neck.

Essential oils for neck skin

Like the face, the neck needs constant care . You can't think of looking after and pampering your skin every day, and leaving that of your neck for special events.

The base oils to dilute the specific essential oils to nourish and support the skin of the neck are, from the lightest to the most nutritious: wheat germ, avocado, borage and jojoba.

For the neck, oils can be used daily for the face, depending on whether the skin is dry, normal or oily.

There are special mixtures that can be used at night : let's see how to make one.

Mixture of essential oils for the neck for the night

Ingredients :

> orange essential oil 2 drops

> lemon essential oil 2 drops

> palmarosa essential oil 10 drops

> carrot essential oil 10 drops

> petitgrain essential oil 4 drops

    Preparation : mix with 10 ml of base oil and mix. A few drops of the oil obtained are spread all over the neck; it can also extend to the area under the clavicle. It is allowed to absorb and eliminate the excess not absorbed with a tissue.

    In the morning it is possible that the neck has released further oil: it will be enough to remove it with a tissue or with a sponge soaked in water.

    Warnings : before applying any treatment it is recommended to cleanse the skin with a little warm water, without using additional detergents or soaps. It is also advisable to always test essential oils on a small portion of skin to ascertain any personal sensitivities.

    Essential oils also act as natural anti-inflammatories for cervical pain

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