Hypericum, natural anti-inflammatory

Hypercium perforatum, also called St. John's Wort, is a medicinal plant. Hypericum is also readily available as a spontaneous plant in the Mediterranean vegetation : it has characteristic yellow flowers and leaves which, apparently, seem to be sprinkled with small holes.

The tops of flowers are used in hypericum and can be used both as internal and external remedies, in the form of oil, oil, creams, or herbal teas and infusions, herbal teas and mother tinctures.

Already mentioned by Paracelsus, in folk medicine he was attributed the ability to hunt evil spirits .

Hypericum has numerous beneficial properties:

> is a natural antidepressant, able to stimulate the production of serotonin;

> anti-inflammatory for joints and muscles;

> anxiolytic ;

> gastroprotective ;

> healing .

St. John's Wort: natural anti-inflammatory

Hypericum is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory . For the external inflammatory states, hypericum oil, oleolite and hypericum creams can be used.

While in case of internal inflammation, such as those generated by cough with phlegm and bronchitis, we use herbal tea, in addition to honey, or mother tincture. The active ingredient that makes it useful in this sense is hypericin, besides the presence of flavonoids.

As an anti-inflammatory hypericum can be used in the following cases:

> traumas and bruises ;

> rheumatic pains ;

> neuralgia ;

> cramps, tears, contractures and muscular problems ;

> joint pains of various origins;

> burns ;

> sizes and abrasions ;

> psoriasis ;

> herpes ;

> sores ;

> cystitis ;

> hemorrhoids ;

> cough and bronchitis ;

> insect bites .

Important contraindications

Hypericum has recognized side effects. It is a photosensitizer, so avoid exposure to the sun when using it, especially if it is in the form of an oil or compress.

It also interacts with some drugs, reducing their effectiveness . It is useful, if you take drugs like anticoagulants, antidepressants, anti-rejection drugs in case of organ transplant, birth control pill, consult your doctor before using hypericum in any form: it is a medicine of natural origin with very strong action and, therefore, it must be used with caution and awareness.

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