Festival of responsible tourism IT.A.CÀ 2012

Why a responsible tourism festival

There are many international travelers who cross borders and curious frontiers in search of adventure every year. One billion people in the world who move here is there in various places of destination, including migrants and travelers, as the Festival subtitles. It is precisely for these people, but not only, that the responsible Tourism Festival IT.A.CÀ. The event was also born to give space to an alternative form of tourism, to favor not only those who leave, but also those who stay at home, thanks to the elaboration and experimentation of alternative models that enhance the potential of tourism responsible for development sustainable, involving institutions, economic operators, tourists and local communities.

The IT.A.CÀ Sustainable Tourism Festival, now in its fourth edition in Bologna, is promoted and organized by the YODA, COSPE, CESTAS and NEXUS Emilia Romagna Association, with the sponsorship of AITR (Italian Association for Responsible Tourism), Municipality of Bologna, Province of Bologna, Emilia Romagna Region, and with the collaboration of a network of over 70 subjects.

Where and when of the Festival of responsible tourism

The IT.A.CÀ Festival is held in Bologna from May 26th to June 3rd . The Festival of responsible tourism wants to be an incentive to concretize, strengthen and strengthen the ideals of "right travel". How do you implement this project? Simply putting them in contact and making the public aware of the different realities that deal with responsible and sustainable travel, all by passing the patrons through a fun, participatory and multisensory experience. The nine days that frame the event see a program of the Festival of responsible tourism alternating, varied and diversified, distributed in different spaces.

The Festival of responsible tourism will in fact begin in Piazza Re Enzo, Saturday 26 May from 9.00, to be divided into events and itineraries scattered throughout the territory of Bologna and the province: from Piazza San Francesco to the Via Francigena, from the Parco dei Gessi to the Parco della Montagnola, from the Zonarelli Intercultural Center to the Reno River.

The program includes guided tours of the area, debates and meetings with industry experts, book presentations, bars, seminars, Km 0 meals and experiential dinners, writing competitions, illustration and photography, exhibitions, concerts, video screenings, theater and much more other. The festival is designed for everyone: citizens, students, non-profit and non-governmental organizations, travel agencies, tourists, volunteers, institutions and local authorities, immigrant communities, artists. The main themes of IT.AC 2012 will be: school tourism (school trips, twinning ...); political tourism (Tourism and legality, international volunteer camps, earth democracy, the fight against sex tourism ...); tourism & sustainability (the impacts of travel and possible compensations, traveling at Km0, trekking, parks, excursions ...); territorial marketing (enhancement of the territory, tourism and media, etc.); tourism & migration (trafficking in human beings, conditions of displaced persons, refugee, refugee ...); tourism at home (couchsurfing, bed and breakfast, hostels, home food ...).

2012 news . Thanks to a collaboration with INDICA, the festival will be structured according to the logic of sustainability and minimization of environmental impacts. CO2 emissions that cannot be neutralized will be offset through the purchase of certified credits. In this way IT.A.CA '2012 will be carbon neutral. The international appeal of the Festival is also increasingly evident, which includes the awarding of Itaca_Contest, an international competition of words and images in collaboration with Pentales (NewYork), which will be held on Wednesday 30 May at the Centro Amical Cabral. Many planned side events; the landing on Sunday 3 June, includes a big party in Piazza Re Enzo and Palazzo d'Accursio.

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