The new law on Unregulated Professions, Law No. 4 of 14 January this year, with regard to the world of bio-natural disciplines, not only does NOT represent a goal for naturopathy in Italy but increases the division between two worlds: that of bio-natural disciplines and that of official medicine. In the sense that it does not give value to the coexistence of the knowledge of care and I come to explain it.
The weaknesses of the New Law are soon evident:
excludes the integration of the treatment systems proposed by the Naturopaths and the Operators of the Bio-Natural Disciplines with those of the National Health System, taking away from the spirit of collaboration with the medical class, which the law proposal of which I am promoting has been going on for years and which provides for the creation of a THIRD POLO beyond those already existing (sanitary and aesthetic) and not overly considering what the World Health Organization (WHO) has written in this regard
“Non-medical health workers must be considered a sustainable and valuable resource for all countries in the world and the use of these operators in the primary care system, in close collaboration with conventional medicine operators, contributes to obtaining systems of more practical, effective, and culturally acceptable health. Benefiting from the best of unconventional and conventional medicine and an efficient and effective collaboration between the two fields, it is an inalienable right of the citizen and the community
It addresses hundreds of professions (following the logic of the inclusion of any unregulated profession), which, despite their importance and value, does not consider man and woman in their complete physical, mental and spiritual expression as happens with Naturopathy and the Bio-Natural Disciplines. The needs of a computer scientist, a tax consultant, a condominium administrator or a tourist animator, just to give some examples of the heterogeneity we are talking about, cannot be the same as those of a Naturopath or a Bio Discipline Operator natural.
It uses and pursues purely commercial logic, without considering the different human relationship existing in the areas of care and health in which the Naturopath and the Bio-Natural Disciplines operator operate, and in particular we refer to terms cited in each passage of the Law as, for example, the "free movement of goods", the "code of commerce", the "commercial practices", the use of the "competition guarantor", the "quality marks" ...
It lays the foundations of a continuous competition between the associations (disguised as a virtuous competition, well applicable to goods and goods but not to those who turn to people's health) which we hope will not be established with the sole purpose of obtaining the certification of the major number of subscribers and / or the desire to manage the consequent business of continuing education, setting aside the spirit of collaboration that is appropriate for those who should have as their interest human health and not their economic profit or a prestigious role.
It does not seem to provide identical training paths, assuming the coexistence of different certificating associations, whose work, following the market rules, will be evaluated almost exclusively by the customer using the service; realities that will be "united" solely through the UNI (Italian unification body) standards at the very moment of the filing of a technical regulation relating to that profession, a rule which will not be binding, however, given that it does not oblige the professional to comply with the sector rules . They will thus be able to continue practicing and teaching people who work with little integrity. Without considering that a different list of certifying associations will be set up which will create many difficulties for citizens to interpret; in fact, there will be associations that will be able to issue quality certificates and those bodies recognized to include professionals from specific sectors, but who will not have received approval from the Ministry for the issue of the quality seal to their members.
He speaks about the responsibility of the legal representative of the certifying association towards the certified professional, who by associating will receive the quality mark, but does not define how to evaluate the training courses that have led to being teachers and / or certifiers those who today will be judges for certify.
It places on the same level those professions whose code of conduct can only damage materials and those whose work affects people and their health.
It privileges only large certification associations that can afford to have at least three offices in the national territory, this being a binding condition.
For the field of Bio-Natural Disciplines it is not clear which disciplines will be recognized. It has been deduced, for example from "Il Sole 24 ore", since it concerns all the unregulated professions, a summary list of those that concern us more closely. One wonders then: "in the name of freedom will all be certifiable?" ... and also: "How and by whom will the seriousness of a discipline be evaluated that if improvised, or not controlled could damage people's health?" ... and still: "Who will oversee the certification associations of our sector will really have the skills to do so and with what guarantees?
Once the limits are highlighted, let's talk about the "barriers" that with this law are raised to confine the operators of bio-natural disciplines in territories that are not health.
It is a fact that before this change there was no recognition for naturopaths and operators of bio-natural disciplines in Italy and it is equally true that the campaigns carried out to protect citizens from natural cures included indications: "Never start an unconventional or natural therapy without first consulting your doctor." This would also be acceptable if the doctor knew about holistic medicines but in fact it was just a warning from the parent-state that tells the child-doctor not to speak with unknown-operators of bionatural disciplines.
Well, the next national campaign on natural care, as required by this law, which entrusts trade associations with legitimizing the good work of its members will be the following: "never rely on a non-certified naturopath".
By transitive ownership, the trade associations replace themselves as health guarantors with the medical profession.
I say this because even if we see in the Naturopath a non-medical profession, it is still a complementary figure that deals with health, or health education, primary care and health promotion through non-invasive methods for rebalancing the person.
In a recent WHO document we talk about the Naturopath as a health profession that emphasizes the prevention, treatment and promotion of optimal health through the use of methods and modalities that encourage the self-healing process. A non-medical profession, distinct from the latter, in that the Naturopath does not diagnose nosology, nor treat diseases, acts of medical relevance but still a figure that is in close collaboration with the doctor, according to an idea of Integrated Medicine that sees the user's well-being as the first goal.
And here arises an antithesis on which we must reflect.
The approved law entrusts to the trade associations, as already pointed out before in point 9), to take care of the health of the citizens without clarifying in any way which are the bio-natural disciplines that will be recognized, how and by whom the seriousness of a discipline that if improvised, or not controlled could cause damage to the health of people and all this in addition, without foreseeing then who will supervise the certification associations themselves, to verify if they will really have the skills to carry out their task and with what guarantees.
It should be added that this law says to offer recognition (for the writer it is not to be considered absolutely such) to the profession of naturopath and the operator of bio-natural disciplines but has not provided anything to inform the medical class and every citizen of this change .
The general practitioner, not aware, as well as the detractors will continue to carry on their beliefs:
It is necessary to protect the medical class, the risk is that people make use of bio-natural disciplines as medical activities, and that they rely on these disciplines instead of health services;
An unscientific approach to research into human well-being is not possible;
Natural practices risk seriously damaging a person's health;
The scientifically proven "energies" do not exist;
Natural treatments are only a placebo because they are not demonstrable by the scientific method;
Wizards and wizards of well-being wish to "trespass" into the health sector for profit and as a result drive people away from real medical care.
There is a new professional working in the health field, but the medical profession must not have any interaction. Dialogue is not authorized.
For the State the Law on Unregulated Professions fulfills its task:
Satisfy those who want to regulate the sector
Contain the "adventurers" from which to defend the population
Make undeclared work emerge
Guarantee a certification for sector operators
Forgetting that:
If identical training paths are not provided (limit highlighted in point 5)) it is not possible to improve the professionalism of the operators.
Without clarity it is not possible to be professional. No official definition has been given by the Italian State on who the naturopath and the operator of the bio-natural disciplines are and what they are dealing with. I remind you that there are notable differences between all the bills that have come to parliament in recent years.
It is not correct to put on the same level those professions whose code of conduct can cause damage only to materials and those whose work affects people and their health.
Regulation without limits also favors improvised bio-natural disciplines and whose action is far from the integrity that we are seeking with our bill.
It would be correct to inform people not yet aware that there is an evolution to the medical scientific approach. In biology and medicine many laws are probabilistic and can no longer be expressed with a mathematical formula. These theses are supported by new discoveries in quantum physics (the principle of non-locality, Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty that breaks the logic of cause and effect, marked objectivity, the immateriality of solid objects, epiphenomenalism ...); all to demonstrate that scientific validity, understood in its classical sense, ceases to exist. Ongoing studies will provide data for clinical findings, complete the knowledge and integrate the available information on the efficacy of the BIO-NATURAL DISCIPLINES themselves.
We have freed ourselves from the mechanistic view that the human universe is made up of separate parts between them, confusing the mechanism of the disease with the cause of the disease and thus curing only the symptoms, and that modern science moves in the same direction already started by psychoneuroimmunology, in an attempt to give the right importance to psychic and emotional factors as the first cause of the disease, to get to understand the unity of "corpomentespirito" as a single word, as a whole. From this we can deduce the absolute importance of a new era of observational studies, as an elective method for the evaluation of BIO-NATURAL DISCIPLINES.
An informed person becomes a competent person and his conscious action becomes a significant saving in public spending paid in healthcare.
Some statistical experts say that for a new idea to become part of a preexisting scheme, 75% of the population must have heard of it so that 25% can accept it consciously.
The science of recent years is changing the scientific vision of the world. Every era has thus followed its journey of election, and as far as medicine is concerned and man has sometimes focused on the body, sometimes on the mind and sometimes on the spirit.
The medicine of the 1st era or of the material properties of space-time was centered on the functionality of organs and drugs. The mental aspect was not considered. The 2nd era medicine of the placebo effect and of positive thinking becomes aware of the mind but still sees it limited to the body. The mind for the first time is used for healing. The psycho-endocrine-immunology, hypnosis and creative visualizations belong to this era. The medicine of the 3rd era, ours, or non-local medicine, called eternal medicine, sees the mind without limits. Healings occur at a distance. Intercessory prayers, mantras, and sounds are used. We understand the importance of brain waves. There is no more division, but a perfect network of relationships. We are all one. Corpomentespirito
EVERY QUANTUM CAN BE TASKING CAUSING SYNCHRONOUS OR SUBJECT SYNCHRONITY! What I ask of you today is to act together once again to provoke synchronicity. Not acting means confirming our false beliefs, stating that this bill is just another attempt that serves no purpose. It means attributing responsibility outside of us and waiting for the Universe to provoke all those trials and effects that confirm these beliefs. I believe, never like now that man is able to understand the unity of body, mind and spirit, as a single word, for quantum physics defined as a unity of consciousness. Where the word unity (understood as an organic whole) merges with the word sacrality. It is in the recognition of the sacred in everything from the smallest cell to the planet that the word holism and holistic medicine acquires the right value. A deep GRATITUDE! Well, they are to offer you in the now of building a bridge between our lives that allows us to provoke synchronicity and not suffer it.
I conclude by reporting an emblematic case on how to "move" in Italy. That of Trento. Despite the fact that the law on unregulated professions has just been approved, the Provincial Council of Trento felt the need to approve, on April 16, 2013, by a large majority, the draft law "Norms concerning bionatural disciplines" with the aim of protecting people from the "witches" of well-being who offer benefits at the risk of damaging the health of users.
How will regional and provincial laws be integrated with the provisions that will be taken by the Category Associations envisaged by the New Law on Unregulated Professions? Even this is not expected ...
(source news Trento: // ...)
For years, regional laws have been trying to make progress, while the state has never spoken on the subject. In Europe, many states already have laws that complement and integrate holistic medicine with traditional medicine, having recognized its validity for the purpose of preserving and rediscovering psycho-physical well-being.
It is no longer the time to be the last!
This is why I invite everyone to support the proposed Law on Bio-Natural Disciplines proposed on the site: //
It is a Popular initiative.
It is Apartitica.
Offer everyone the opportunity to contribute to the text.
Do not exclude one discipline from another a priori.
Provide for the creation of a THIRD POLO (to be understood as the "Third Vision of Reality" without any political reference), in addition to the health and aesthetic one, enhancing the operator of bio-natural disciplines regardless of whether he belongs to the medical profession.
Consider the man and the woman in their complete expression: physical, mental and spiritual.
Define common training paths that can offer the operator of bio-natural disciplines a valid preparation in clear and well-defined areas of competence.
Do not oppose the Official Medicine, not therefore a spirit of offense, but of valorization of all the paths, where the knowledge of care coexist, supporting the freedom of therapeutic choice.
Light on the way,
Emanuel Celano