State-of-the-art and enlightened Italian hospitals in the treatment of the patient as a suffering subject and not only as a subject to the protocol, have introduced Shiatsu among the treatments supporting the person.
Many operators in the sector have volunteered to introduce this discipline and integrate it into the official treatments in the hospitals and the result has borne fruit. Even if the road is still long.
Shiatsu, a bridge between East and West
Integration is the key word. Many lovers of so-called alternative medicines, as well as professionals in official medicine, cling to their positions by putting science before the ancient tradition, or the laws of nature and laboratory ones, thus closing the door to a collaborative reality that can lead to the holistic well-being of the 'human being.
We are the result of our personal and ancestral history and we sow the seeds for that of the new generations, everything is in progress: it is evolution!
The Shiatsu as well as the TuinĂ are integrating with the official medicine and their contribution is so important and compensatory that it cannot be ignored.
Pediatric Tuina, support and prevention from birth to adolescence
Shiatsu, why introduce it into medical practices
We think of the condition of any hospitalized patient, regardless of the diagnosed pathology: he spends minutes, hours, days in bed, with a drastic reduction in movement, in a state of worry, anxiety, far from his everyday life, in the hands of third parties they take care of him and that sometimes they do not respect his dignity as a person.
We then associate the pathology and its effects with this status and the picture, already from such a superficial analysis, is not the brightest. Introducing a holistic practice such as Shiatsu in a context such as this serves to improve the "ground" of the patient, his psychophysical condition to deal with illness and cures, which can often be heavy.
Being bedridden causes tension of muscular origin, skeletal stiffness, venous and lymphatic stasis, intoxication of tissues that do not receive proper oxygenation. Making shiatsu, shiatsuka operators available, which through acupressure, stimulate venous and lymphatic circulation with stimulation of energy meridians, tissue oxygenation with connective tissue treatment, the skeletal apparatus with micro extensions and rotations of the joints means taking care of of the well-being of the person, even in conditions of illness.
Shiatsu has the ability to release tension and relieve pain, working on breathing in the first place, helping the recipient to participate and promote his relaxation. It is a discipline that can reach deep and bring out the strength and the will to feel good.