We are celebrating World Book Day

Why celebrate the book

World Book and Copyright Day - World Book and Copyright Day - is an event that dates back to 1996 and is celebrated every April 23rd.

Sponsored by UNESCO, the day intends to promote the reading, publication of books and the protection of intellectual property through copyright.

There are numerous events that take place all over the world, with the aim of encouraging you to discover the pleasure of reading and to value the contribution that the authors - even the writers for nature - give to the social and cultural progress of humanity .

The squares, streets, libraries, theaters and social centers welcome readings and appointments that give the opportunity to live and get to know the boundless world of books and reading even more closely.

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The world book capital 2017

This title is awarded each year by Unesco to the city that most of all undertakes to disseminate and promote culture through books and readings.

After Wroclaw, in Poland, last year and Incheon, in South Korea two years ago, this year the award goes to Conakry, an African city in Guinea .

Next year the baton will pass to the city of Athens . In 2006 - unique case so far - Turin was elected world book capital in collaboration with Rome.

The program for the year of Conakry's book is very dense, ranging from literature, to music, from cinema to dance, involving artists from the world of Guinean and African culture in general, with the participation of European countries.

And where do you read more in Italy?

> Turin is in the front row again this year with "Turin that reads": the week of reading that sees Turin 's Book Fair anticipate between meetings and readings a month's key event of the year.

> Milan, however, as indicated by last year's Amazon rankings, published by the magazine Il libraio, is the city that reads the most, followed by Padua, Verona, Trieste and Trento. Paradoxically, we are not talking about Turin, at least among the top ten.

Rome is in ninth position and the south of the country seems to be going very badly.

Read also

> The forest-saving writers

> Bibliotherapy to cure the spirit

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