Aloe vera how to use it

Aloe vera: green gold in gel

Aloe vera is a famous perennial succulent plant of the Aloeacee family, used since time immemorial for the beneficial properties of the gel contained in its leaves, properties that are carried out on several fronts and in different ways.

Anti-inflammatory, purifying, re-mineralizing and nourishing, refreshing and soothing, aloe vera is used both in the cosmetic field, for the beauty of skin and hair for example, and as a therapy and natural internal cure. The last culinary frontiers see it as the protagonist also of excellent softness and healthy and refreshing cocktails.

Aloe vera can be used either pure, freshly extracted or processed, or even in addition to other products capable of enhancing its qualities; be careful though, aloe gel is not free from contraindications.

With over 240 varieties of the plant and more than 100 uses, Aloe vera is rightly considered the Plant of Immortality and loved by Ayurvedic medicine .

Here's how to use it in the most correct way, both in the cosmetic field, for internal treatments and for more.

Aloe vera, how to use it externally

> On the skin it is perfect as an ingredient with high nutritional power in DIY natural masks, for facial cleansing, as a moisturizer, but also as a regenerator of the epidermis, for example to nourish irritated and chapped hands

> As a healing, to soothe wounds and burns - in fact it is also perfect as an after sun - and to refresh the skin. Its composition rich in minerals, trace elements and vitamins accelerates the healing of wounds, injuries and ulcers.

> It can also be used to soothe insect bites . Very convenient is to keep some in the freezer, in the form of practical ready-to-use aloe ice cubes

> For hair care : it fights the fall and strengthens them, polishes them, makes them smooth and soft, refreshing the skin and counteracting dandruff and itching

Natural care for the body based on aloe and vera

> Aloe restores the functionality of the lazy intestine, performing a balancing action on the pH and bacterial flora, useful in cases of constipation or constipation and diarrhea.

> It protects the stomach, creating thanks to its gel a sort of protective film able to defend the gastric tissues from irritating agents, helping in the correct finishing of the digestive system

> It improves the lubrication of cartilage and articulation thanks to its healing properties and to the fact that the gel is able to help and enhance collagen synthesis

> Strengthens the immune system, especially in relation to recurrent inflammation

Attention to contraindications

A substance contained in aloe, called aloin, can be toxic over time or cause serious gastric or hepatic disorders.

For this reason, before any internal use - in particular in preparations derived from DIY extraction - you must be very careful and always follow the advice and control of an expert.

The use of these preparations also presents contraindications in pregnant women and in case of severe liver or intestinal problems .

To learn more : " Aloe Vera, the magic of green gold " by Anand Gupta

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