A point on global warming

Global warming: the countdown

According to the UN we have only 12 years to limit the catastrophe connected with climate change.

Urgent drastic changes are needed to cut the risks of global warming, droughts, floods and extreme poverty.

The feared threshold is the + 1.5 ° C that the Planet could exceed in just 12 years, if you do not act in time to do something: even just half a degree of temperature increase would lead to devastating consequences and definitive losses.

In this regard, a UN-IPCC report was prepared , the UN commission on climate change, entitled "Global warming at 1.5 ° C - Global Warming of 1.5 ° C", prepared in Incheon in Korea in recent days and released on 8 October last (The Guardian.com).

Maintain global warming within 1.5 ° C

As reported by the ANSA agency, the IPCC in practice claims that, if today emissions were drastically reduced and CO2 is absorbed into the atmosphere, the goal of maintaining global change within 1.5 degrees could be achieved, since past emissions alone would not cause this threshold to be exceeded.

Therefore the action of a drastic reversal of direction regarding risk behaviors for the Planet and living beings becomes more necessary than ever.

There are 4 possible paths to be taken according to the UN-IPCC report to maintain global warming to acceptable levels.

There are 2 main ways to effectively follow them :

1. drastically reducing emissions, thus moving decisively to renewable energy and electric vehicles, recycling waste and reducing meat consumption;

2. removing carbon dioxide, thus reforesting vast areas of the earth, capturing and proceeding with the storage of carbon or CCS, C arbon Apture and S torage, a process that is still being tested.

Avoid climate collapse: that's what you can do practically

The challenge has begun, the fundamental thing is to immediately choose which side to take.

Every day, at home, through our own actions or choices we can feel part of the change.

Here are the key points that touch the report in question to be able to do something on a practical level:

> act collectively, so meet, talk about, discuss, carry out meetings and information movements;

> decrease the consumption of meat, especially beef, and dairy products: prefer products with zero impact;

> thermally insulate homes;

> choose renewable energy, for example by installing solar panels at your home;

> choose to move in a conscious way : on foot, by bicycle, by public transport, trying to limit the use of the car;

> reduce, recycle, reuse : buy less, consume less or give new life to old objects, these are things that are not only good for the wallet.

Read also

> Disposable plastic goodbye, the first ban comes from the European Parliament

> Sustainability and the future of the planet: the next 10 years are crucial

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