When we talk about fruit and vegetables in November cabbages and apples come to mind, but we must not forget about the less used but equally valuable fruits and vegetables.
Let's see what we shouldn't miss.
November fruit
In the fruit basket of November, apples, pears, persimmons, kiwis and chestnuts come into the picture . Also the first citrus fruits arrive , for example the clementines. We should not let us miss those unjustly forgotten autumn fruits such as pomegranate and quince, rich in nutrients and very precious for our health.
Apples and pears are among the most common fruits on autumn tables, they are rich in fiber and vitamins and help the intestine to remain regular and healthy. They lend themselves to the preparation of autumn cakes and are excellent both cooked and raw.
The quince is a sort of hybrid between apple and pear. It is a very underestimated fruit and not very present in our diet; it is, however, precious above all thanks to the high content of pectin, a soluble dietary fiber that promotes intestinal regularity, the control of glycaemia and that of cholesterolemia . They are eaten above all cooked and are excellent for the preparation of homemade jams and sweets.
The persimmons are very rich in minerals and help us to face the first cold with enthusiasm.
The kiwis bring so much vitamin C and contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system.
The pomegranate, long unjustly forgotten, is returning "in fashion". It is a fruit known above all for its antioxidant qualities and is perfect for the preparation of natural and healthy juices.
Finally, we cannot miss chestnuts. They are not really fruits; in fact, they are chestnut seeds and we should treat them differently from fruit. Chestnuts, in fact, are suitable to replace the carbohydrate part of the meal, so they should be eaten instead of, for example, pasta, bread, rice ... They are very rich in minerals and vitamins but also very high in calories.
November is not yet the ideal month to eat citrus fruits, which will be the main protagonists of the December table, but we can certainly let ourselves be tempted by clementines, cedars and mandarins.
Discover the recipes for children with November products
The November jams
November vegetables
November is especially the month of cabbages of all kinds. Let's try them all: cauliflower, green and red cabbage, black cabbage, broccoli ... they are all rich in minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. They also have a good chlorophyll content and, consequently, help the body to produce hemoglobin and to combat anemia.
Let us not miss even the turnip tops, very used especially in the southern regions, excellent for the preparation of healthy and natural first courses.
November is also the month of the pumpkin which, thanks to its delicate flavor, lends itself to the preparation of many dishes, from appetizers to desserts. There are many types of pumpkin, each with its own characteristics, let's have fun discovering more than a few. Pumpkins are very poor in calories in the face of high satiating power and also help us lose a few pounds . The extreme digestibility makes them suitable for feeding very young children and the elderly.