Teaching a martial art

When the roots are laid to create something, you inevitably put expectations that weigh on that thing. When you have studied with that teacher, who brought you along the path and the forms, of that master you will be evolution or involution with the addition of your look. They seem logical reasoning, so little Taoist. Or rather, they are logical, that's why I feel them so little Taoist.

The alternation and the succession of masters should instead be valid, without prejudice to what in the heart causes the spark to strike, which is encountered when not only the body is ready, in my opinion.

Money and martial art teaching

It is necessary to avoid the anxiety of earning money, with martial art, as often happens with pure things, but knowing well what is what is transmitted and that has been transmitted to us.

If the aim is to gain or structure a system of gestures that force the student to modules, years, rankings, monthly payments, the lessons will become a labor without smiles or lightness, then all at home to binge because they believe they have spent sweat and calories.

The profit is commensurate with time and dedication . But on this point I will still want to reflect.

Certainly we need to look at who is in front of us. Look at it well and not at all. Keep it on a pedestal and underground, just like a master does with himself. And the breath to give the student the beauty of feeling it inside, not in a mechanic in / out.

Martial arts between men and women: the important role of the teacher to overcome discomfort

Forms of martial racism

In martial art, in schools, I mean, if you have studied with several teachers already look at you wrong. In short, that movement becomes dirty and you an agglomeration of errors. I feel how difficult it is to hold a shape without polluting it, with your things or derivatives, especially from other styles.

But here the discussion is broader. We need to understand how the classification of styles is convenient for the market, the market logic, sector, where the idea of ​​the watertight compartment claims to ensure professionalism, while we forget that the two things do not go hand in hand, on the contrary: often an absence of confrontation generates a stagnation in the formation.

Recently, for example, I discovered that tai chi without chi kung is like ... I don't know how difficult it is to find the example. Perhaps this: tai chi without chi kung is like making love without magic, it's like a body that requires vitamin C (the body doesn't produce it on its own) but doesn't eat the foods that contain it, it's like writing a book without intention, mental images, love. The body has told me this truth and I want to study chi kung in a deep way, I am putting aside the money for this, the intention is firm. I could not do otherwise.

When a student asks you why that gesture is so, it means that he could also ask you: "Why not so?" And, in that case (unless silence serves to block the rational flow), the master should be able to know, know. Which organ is acting, which energies are moving.

Martial effectiveness is so much trying out applications, looking for a ready physique, exploring a strong Taoist base, which says a lot about how martial art is to you and how effectively you could measure yourself at a time when this is required.

Otherwise ... Where would your agility, your clear mind, your full emptiness be?

Where is your gesture that from delicate can become lethal?

Where is your irony, your laughter that overturns?

And above all, how could you convey to your students what you yourself haven't cultivated?

Children and martial arts: why choose them?

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