Sleep apnea: the remedies

Remedies against sleep apnea: lifestyle

The first of the remedies against sleep apnea is to intervene on one 's lifestyle, observing the following behaviors:

  • Follow a lifestyle and a diet that allows the drop in body weight, in the case of overweight and obesity;
  • Refrain from alcohol consumption;
  • Refrain from using sedatives;
  • To regulate, as far as possible, the sleep-wake rhythm;
  • Avoid sleeping in a supine position.

    Remedies against sleep apnea: the CPAP

    No drug has currently given satisfactory results against sleep apnea . The available medical therapy is CPAP, ie continuous positive nasal ventilation during the night. Mechanical ventilation is not always necessary, sometimes it is sufficient to intervene on lifestyle and diet, especially in cases where sleep apnea is mainly due to the obesity of the subject concerned.

    However, when intervening on lifestyle is not enough, CPAP therapy is necessary. Often, people who suffer from sleep apnea reject the idea of ​​mechanical ventilation but, after having introduced it, they realize the benefits obtained. Indeed, continuous positive pressure ventilation is very effective in restoring normal sleep patterns and therefore in reducing sleep apnea symptoms and, in particular, daytime sleepiness and snoring .

    The duration of CPAP therapy cannot be established a priori, sometimes a short period is sufficient, especially when appropriate intervention is made on the lifestyle, but this is not always the case. In any case, it is a therapeutic intervention that can be continued even for life.

    Remedies for sleep apnea: surgery

    Among the remedies against sleep apnea there is also surgery. This is a rare possibility that only concerns cases in which the disorder depends on physiological alterations. You can intervene to correct alterations of the palate or facial mass, obtaining a resolution of the problem.

    It should be borne in mind, however, that in most cases of obstructive sleep apnea, the disorder depends on other factors and can be corrected simply by intervening on the lifestyle or with the help of the CPAP.

    The first fundamental remedy for sleep apnea is almost always the decline in body weight .

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