Radionics, a "wonderful" science

What does Radionics mean?

with the term Radionics we mean the Science that studies the vibrations of all things whether they are animated or not, for Radionics everything emits a wave of form and therefore rocks, objects of furniture even the smallest stone produces a vibration! The universe and therefore we, planet Earth, a very small and microscopic part of it is formed by a visible part and an invisible part, we make the example of colors, we can see the 6 main colors which then have their shades exclusively because they VIBRAN at a particular frequency that our human eye can perceive while other major or minor frequencies are not visible to us, see infrared rays, ultraviolet rays, x-rays etc. So whoever deals with Radionics firmly believes that every form of matter has its own personal vibration that is NOT visible to us. Starting from this concept the Radionics thanks to particular geometric patterns whether they are papery or solid, is able to restore our unbalanced vibrations bringing us back to the right state of well-being. Another wonderful thing about Radionics is that you can act at a distance, that is, the receiver of the waves of form suitable for itself must NOT be necessarily present, the distance, even considerable, is NEVER a problem for these practices. It is often rumored that astronauts are constantly monitored and possibly treated Radionically. Thanks for your attention.

I am specialized in the treatment of CHRONIC migraines. I have a studio-laboratory in Lucca and I am easily traceable to

If you have any questions in this regard I would be happy to answer based on my current ability (I have been practicing Radionics for over 10 years)

Greetings to all Bonnevie - Lucca - Applied Radionics laboratory

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Feng Shui and its symbols

Feng Shui and its symbols

What is Feng Shui First of all, if you don't want to look bad, pronounce Fen shwèi . Literally Feng Shui means " wind" and "water" , to identify the two natural elements that shape the earth. To understand what Feng Shui is, one could start from a comparison within Chinese culture: while Chinese medicine deals with the circulation of qi between the various organs of the body, Feng Shui aims to harmoniously flow the energy of qi between the spaces ....

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Organic foods, what they are and how to recognize them

Organic foods, what they are and how to recognize them

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