Avocado varieties, how to recognize them

Avocado is a medium-sized tree that can reach a height of 15 meters. In its scientific name it is Persea americana and belongs to the Lauraceae family. This plant is native to Central America and still grows all over the world in areas with tropical climates such as India, Palestine, Indonesia.

Its fruit also called avocado is a large pear-shaped berry that can weigh from 100 grams per kilo. Its dimensions vary from 10 to 20 centimeters and externally there is a rather leathery but thin protective skin . Its pulp is hard at the time of harvest but when ripe it becomes soft and once opened and crushed the consistency is very creamy.

The color of the avocado pulp varies from yellow to light green and this also depends on the variety of the plant. Inside the avocado fruit there is a large seed that is even 5 centimeters in diameter .

The major producers of this fruit are obviously the countries of Central America such as Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Colombia but Ethiopia and Indonesia are also excellent avocado producers. Even in Italy, especially in Sicily and in the southern lands, the cultivation of avocado fruit has begun, reporting excellent results in terms of quality and production.

Avocado varieties

There are many varieties of avocado. Only in America there are more than 20 different types that differ in the color of the pulp, skin appearance, shape and size.

It really becomes essential to know the variety of avocado we are buying because the moment of the right maturation is identified precisely on the parameters of the color, the appearance of the peel and its consistency.

If we do not know which avocado varieties we are going to open and eat, we risk confusing the parameters to identify the right moment of maturation and we will cut it too soon or too late. So let's get to know the avocado varieties that we commonly find on the market.

Avocado Bacon

This avocado is distinguished by a more delicate flavor than the other avocados . It has an oval shape and is of medium size. The peel is green when it is purchased but its color does not vary much, it takes only a slightly darker tone.

The consistency of the ripening fruit is only slightly softer to the touch so do not be fooled: this Bacon avocado does not become too soft to the touch because the peel is resistant to pressure . The Bacon avocado originates from America and is produced in California in the period between autumn and spring.

Avocado Ettinger

The Ettinger avocado has a thin skin and its color is bright green when we go to buy it. After maturation the color does not turn to dark green or reddish so it will be the consistency to tell us when it is time to open it . The dimensions are greater, the shape is pear-shaped and the pulp is yellow, creamy with a strong flavor.

The cultivation area of ​​this variety is in Israel and here it bears fruit from November to April . We can also find it at other times of the year because it is imported from Mexico between September to April and from South Africa from April to September.

Avocado Fuerte

The Fuerte avocado is easily recognizable due to its elongated shape and is very appreciated because in addition to its good taste it is very easy to remove the skin . The color is always dark green with a thin skin and a yellow and creamy pulp.

The cultivation area is Mexico and Guatemala but also in Indonesia it is known and used for various sweet and savory recipes. His fruiting season is always between November and April . In America and especially in Mexico it is the most widespread and used variety.

Avocado Hass

This avocado is typical for the color of its skin which changes from a beautiful freshly harvested green to a much darker color almost brown when ripe. Its skin is rough and thin with green to light yellow flesh. The size of the fruit is slightly smaller than the other avocados but its flavor makes it the number one among avocados for many.

The cultivation of the Hass variety extends from Mexico to Spain, from Israel to Cyprus, from Peru to South Africa up to our Italian lands. In fact, the avocado Hass is well known and appreciated in our country thanks to its good taste and its ease of recognizing when it is ready to be eaten.

Avocado Lula

This avocado is the largest in size and has a more rounded shape at the base. The peel is rough, of a playful green color that tends to yellow or brown. Its pulp is firm and varies in creaminess depending on the period of maturation with a really light taste and a fruity aftertaste.

It is grown in the Antilles but also in Brazil and the Caribbean. Importation is not very frequent because it bears bad transport . Its fruiting period is from August to October.

Avocado Nabal

The Nabal avocado has a roundish shape with a fairly thick green skin that becomes dark almost brown when ripe. Its pulp is yellow, the taste is delicate and the texture is firm and lasts so long that it can also be used in the kitchen with hot recipes . It is grown in Israel, Australia, Florida and California.

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