Meditation and stress

What is stress?

The body adapts to changes. When these changes hurt us, we are going to break through the possibility of damaging the balance that we should always keep in our chest, in our organs, in our lucid and peaceful mind. Instead let's get into what is commonly referred to as one of the most abused words of our era: stress. The body reacts to stress by increasing the secretion of certain hormones and inhibiting others; the production of messenger substances such as serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine is compromised.

The symptoms of stress, on the other hand, are obvious: frequent feeling of general tiredness, acceleration of the heartbeat, sleep disturbances, muscle pain, stomach ulcer, diarrhea, stomach cramps, colitis, thyroid malfunction, difficulty in expressing also concepts that one possesses, a feeling of boredom with respect to every situation, frequent need to urinate, change of voice, hyperactivity, mental confusion, irritability, lowering of the immune defenses.

When stress becomes the normal condition we speak of chronic stress which has repercussions both at cardiac and pulmonary and gastrointestinal levels. Stress also causes damage to the endocrinol, uro-genital and epidermal levels. What to do then to fight stress ? First, relax your mind. And what's better than meditation for stress?

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Meditation helps fight stress

Stress meditation works simply with breath control. A voluntary control, in which you can apply yourself comfortably at home, without time limits. The goal will be to reach calm first and then to keep it effortless.

Find a suitable place and sit with your back straight, vertical, so that the spine is perpendicular to the ground. Sit on the edge of the chair (or other) and place your hands on your legs, keeping your head straight in line with your spine. Still with your back straight, lean your torso slightly forward. You have to imagine that your head hangs from the ceiling, thanks to an invisible thread. The spine must be immobile. This is the position to be taken .

Kundalini meditation against stress: find out more!

Switch to the breath . Watch him. The air flow circulates from the nose to the bottom of the lungs and vice versa. Start then to empty your lungs, from the chest to the belly. As soon as they are empty, inhale slowly filling the belly and start counting, calmly, up to ten. Hold this moment for another ten seconds. Then begin to empty the lungs of air, always slowly, so as to have them emptied at the same time as the other two phases. If you can lengthen the time, do it, but remember to maintain the right relationships.

You can help the mind, imagining the calming of the waves on the sea that slowly becomes flat. Thus the mind will be flat, where stress and thoughts will no longer exist.

This is only a first approach to meditation against stress. A base, let's say. Each technique then includes different notions and exercises that however tend to eliminate stress.

Against stress, try also the advice of Ayurveda

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