The throat chakra

In the era of the most frantic and capillary communication, our proposal is to return to the origins: to the simple voice and to listening to each other.

This dimension, which has accompanied us for most of our history, is slowly disappearing in the face of a whole new way of interacting among human beings, made up of chats, emails, instant messages.

We don't want to go against the tide with respect to the natural evolution of technology; simply, let's try to rediscover and value what is inside us for what concerns human communication.

In energetic terms, we are talking about the throat chakra, or vishudda chakra .

A few brushstrokes on the fifth chakra

Located at the center of the throat, vishudda chakra governs the ability to communicate, understood in the fullest and roundest sense of the term.

In other words, it does not imply merely issuing a message for a hypothetical interlocutor, but the much more complex ability to know how to express oneself and to know how to listen, to choose the right words, to accept in an empathic way what one is told.

Moreover, it is not only communicated with words, but also through art, in all its forms: the fifth, in fact, is also the chakra of the artists and of all those who feel they want to "take out" what is sobering inside.

Having this disharmonious center blocks one of the main functions of man as a social animal: it complicates coming into contact with the other in a sincere and true way. One becomes unable to forge relationships based on intimacy and deep complicity within relationships where both components can express themselves authentically and without inhibitions.

It does not end here: one becomes incapable of communicating with oneself, of expressing one's needs, of making one's positions clear with consequent effects on one's psycho-emotional well-being.

A kind of mediocre communication, both with others and with one's own ego, castrating the evolution of the human being, who becomes impotent in pulling out his instances which, consequently, wither within, rotting. A silence is born, a cemetery silence, which impoverishes the person and makes her deaf, towards herself and towards others.

The importance of working on the fifth chakra

The lack of authentic communication is often the basis of the most common relationship problems, both in love, in the family and in friendships.

Precisely for this reason, in- depth work on the fifth chakra becomes indispensable if you feel that in this period of your life it is in a state of imbalance.

Knowing how to weave truly meaningful and full exchanges is an indispensable prerogative for every human being on the path to personal improvement.

Where the question is not just "to say", but also to " know how to say " and "to know how to listen " moves in a tangle of competences determining for the quality of the relationships that accompany us in the course of life.

Therefore, we invite you not to neglect the input that this article wants to offer you in terms of personal analysis on such an important aspect of your most intimate existence to grow in relating to yourself and to the people you love most.

The asanas to stimulate the fifth chakra

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