April 24 World meningitis day

Meningitis, a subtle disease

World Meningitis Day, World Meningitis Day, will be celebrated on April 24th by the Confederation of Meningitis Organizations.

Meningitis is a subtle disease, an inflammation of the meninges, which at first may seem like a flu or a cold accompanied by headache and vomiting, but which, as also communicated by the Italian Society of Paediatrics which explains well "what you need to know ”.

Then it can become something much more serious, capable, even just within 24 hours, of endangering younger lives or leaving serious consequences on the affected organism.

Know to prevent meningitis

The National Committee against Meningitis, on its site "Free from meningitis" tells several stories, of children and their parents affected by this insidious disease. And it does so also through photos, written testimonies and moving images: one the awareness campaign aimed at spreading correct information.

The invitation is to not wait for April 24, World Meningitis Day, to get informed, consociate, know and prevent.

Here, in fact, from the Androkonos agency the video-appeal "Fate il vaccino" by Bebe Vio, fencer and paralympic champion of foil, which has suffered serious consequences due to the disease.

Boom of vaccines

As reported last January by the Republic there was a real race for vaccines in Lombardy. The data generally say that more and more people are vaccinated, whether it is the tetravalent vaccine (meningococcus A, C, Y and W) or B.

In fact, between years of birth, type of meningitis and risk factors, not everything is always so clear, always better to contact your pediatrician or general practitioner for clarifications and clarifications.

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