Mile against stress: choose the cereal that gives the charge

Anti-stress millet thanks to magnesium

Despite its scientific name Panicum Miliaceum can mislead, millet is one of those cereals that are called antistress .

It is just because of the fact that it contains magnesium, an invigorating substance par excellence, essential to activate muscular enzymes and tonic of the nervous system, but not only.

Millet also contains vitamins - such as vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin E - and minerals, including iron, phosphorus, magnesium, fluorine and silicon.

In addition to millet, magnesium is also found in other foods that should never be lacking on the table, especially in periods of profound psychophysical fatigue ; these foods are wheat germ, almonds, cashews, buckwheat, hazelnuts, dates, figs, raisins, potatoes, bananas, green leafy vegetables and in sunflower seeds and dried fruit .

To whom the mile is recommended

Excellent for those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, millet is also suitable for pregnant women, sportsmen, anemic and convalescent subjects, generally to all those who need a recovery of the organism.

It is no coincidence that millet is an energizing cereal, perfect also for students, for those who face intellectual hard work and for those who tend to suffer from depression and insomnia.

Thanks to the fact that it does not contain gluten, millet is also recommended for those suffering from celiac disease or those with allergies. A deficiency of the precious magnesium it contains can lead to weakness, headaches, irritability, tension and muscle tremors.

How to eat millet

The millet should therefore be consumed at least once a week, possibly in the integral version, otherwise the decorticated millet is also fine. Excellent instead of wheat as couscous, millet is also suitable for soups and, if blended, it is used to thicken creams and velvety instead of starch, potatoes or flour. The millet-based meatballs are also excellent.

It can be bought in bags of half a kilo or more, in well-stocked supermarkets, on the internet and in natural shops and organic products. A 500 gram bag costs about 3/4 euros.

Read also dehulled millet, nutritional values ​​and recipes >>

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