Hemp oil in Ayurveda, benefits and use

What are the benefits and uses of hemp oil in ayurveda ?

Contains the perfect balance of fiber, proteins and essential oils 3, 6 and 9 EFA, essential for human health.

Components of hemp seed oil

Hemp seed oil is extraordinary from a nutritional and cosmetic point of view. The protein percentage is around 20-25%: the high edestine content, together with the other globular protein, albumin, makes these proteins contain all nine essential amino acids in a unique protein combination throughout the plant world; thus providing our body with the basis on which to create other proteins such as immunoglobulins: antibodies that repel infections even before the first perceptible symptoms arrive.

Hemp seed has a fat fraction (34-35%) of excellent quality and a balanced composition, 70-75% of which is made up of a mixture of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, linolenic acid and gammalinolenico (the latter, irreplaceable in the synthesis process of prostaglandins, substances that regulate the activity of numerous glands, muscles and nerve receptors). The supply of omega 3 and 6 fats is balanced.

carbohydrates that give it a high energy value (516 Kcal per 100 g). The percentage of crude fiber and mineral salts is also good, among which iron and phosphorus prevail. Also noteworthy is the supply of vitamins A, E, PP and group B.

Do you know the many uses of hemp?

Hemp oil: properties and use

Hemp oil is the king of anti - inflammatories and is recommended for all those cases in which there is a "fire" in the body, or an accumulation of toxins on the tissues, and is also a great ally of the skin .

This oil has a particular feature that makes it extraordinary compared to any other food in nature : the perfect balance between omega-3 and omega-6; the proportion is 3: 1, a ratio recommended by medical research and by the most advanced nutritionist theories.

Rich in amino acids and vitamins, including A, E, B1, B2, PP, C. It contains a good dose of mineral salts such as iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus; phytosterols and cannabinoids (especially CBD, Cannabidiol) which make an immunomodulator, or an oil with a great support function for the immune system and cognitive functions.

The properties and uses of hemp

Hemp oil in ayurveda

In ayurveda when hemp oil is used to treat skin diseases, as well as by mouth, it is also applied directly to the area to be treated to reduce itching and inflammation; it is extraordinarily effective also for the treatment of nail fungus (onychomycosis).

Hemp oil is also used in all that branch of ayurveda that treats disorders related to the female sphere, such as premenstrual syndrome; it is also used in menopause, because it fights osteoporosis.

Very useful for all disorders related to Vata, to movement within the body and, especially, to the movement of thought within our system. In many departments of Ayurvedic medicine it is used for neurological and psychic problems.

Its sedative action on the nervous system makes it effective in case of memory impairment, difficulty in concentration and lack of attention, chronic depression and post-natal depression; language and character disorders, autism, neurosis.

In Ayurvedic medicine the well-being of the mind goes hand in hand with maintaining a digestive fire in a good state. most disorders depend on incorrect use of thought and neglect of one's digestive system. Hemp oil is a great purifier in this sense and helps the liver in its precious function as a blood filter.

Finally, hemp oil is frequently used for beauty treatments and to treat the aesthetics of the face and neck, as well as being used in the preparation of soaps.

Hemp oil among natural antioxidant oils

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