The lipidomic diet

Before the lipidomic diet, there is science ...

To understand what the lipidomic diet is, you need to take a step back and learn about lipidomic science itself. The lipidomic discipline is a science that deals with the study of fats or lipids present in our body in a dynamic way .

The lipids are precisely studied in all their structures and functions, which vary and change according to the metabolic processes to which the body goes. Applied to the cell membrane, lipidomics allows us to observe and examine the relationships between the various types of lipids, to study their balance and their correct functioning. In Italy lipidomics makes its first appearance in a research center in Bologna, we are in 2005.

Why is the study of fats important?

The lipidomic science, whose research is being perfected in recent years, comes into action when we want to study in depth the conformation and the behavior of fats in the human body. The importance of such a study is understood when the same is applied to cure certain pathologies connected with lipids, such as obesity, cardio-circulatory dysfunctions, dermatological disorders, and more. Practically, the lipidomic examination, called "fat profile", or the "fat profile", replaces the usual examination of the fats present in the plasma with a lipid analysis of the red blood cell membranes.

In essence, through simple blood sampling, important and precise information on the diet's fat intake is obtained, life habits, genetic predispositions are revealed and general health is monitored, including highlighting any lipid disorders, even before they become pathologies. To talk about this examination, in Italy, was Carla Ferreri, researcher of CNR in Bologna and founder of the spin-off " Lipinutragen srl", as well as author of the project "Lipidomic Profile of Cell Membranes: a molecular approach applied to human health".

How is the fat profile performed and what does it tell us?

The fat profile exam, an essential prerequisite for starting a lipidomic diet, is not easily accessible to everyone. It is in fact an exam not so widespread, since the structures that offer it in Italy are still not many.

Here are the centers where the fat profile exam is performed. This exam, which costs about 160 euros, allows the identification of dangerous fats, such as trans fats (hydrogenated) and saturated fats, which could damage the cell membrane and therefore the body, but also good fats, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-3), and to implement consequently and based on their presence, healthier eating behaviors, based on the drafting of a personalized lipidomic diet .

The lipidomic diet, what is it based on?

Once the fat profile exam is performed, the doctor can proceed to assign a lipidomic diet designed specifically for each individual patient. It is a highly personalized diet, studied on the nutritional principles, with the aim of rebalancing the fats present in our body, not eliminating them, as they are essential for the body.

In the lipidomic diet it is important to vary the daily intake of lipids, respecting those that are officially considered the correct proportions: 25% of saturated fatty acids, 50% of monounsaturated acids, 25% of polyunsaturated fatty acids. To make this possible, it therefore becomes essential to give space, in general, to foods that have an important role in nutrition and in good lipid supply, such as extra virgin olive oil, raw oil seeds (walnuts, almonds, sunflower, hazelnuts, flax, pumpkin), algae for omega-3.

Vegetarians in particular, but all in general, should choose free-range eggs, dairy products obtained from free grazing animals, organic vegetable products, as they are more rich in "healthy" nutrients. No categorical snacks or processed fat products, chips or pre-packaged dishes. Avoid too many fat cheeses, red meats and too much butter at the table.

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