Fruits and vegetables in the March cart

March fruits and vegetables : what do I put in the cart? Let's start with vegetables.

March vegetables

Asparagus, broccoli, artichokes, carrots, catalogna, chicory, ribs, fennel, lettuce, new potatoes, spinach and cabbage are all seasonal vegetables available in March .

Asparagus is low in calories and has purifying properties, but they are rich in uric acid and therefore not very suitable for those suffering from kidney inflammation and gout.

Catalonia is a real mine of mineral salts and vitamins; it has diuretic, digestive and laxative properties; contains very few calories and is therefore indicated in low-calorie diets.

When we talk about March vegetables, we cannot forget the artichokes, a precious source of potassium and iron salts. They contain a substance, cynarin, which promotes diuresis and renal secretion. They are valuable for the liver and absolutely indicated in the diet of those suffering from diabetes. They also help keep cholesterol levels under control.

Broccoli contains sulforaphane, a substance with a thousand properties, able to protect the body from inflammation of the upper pathways and other diseases.

Finally, in March, spinach, rich in vitamin A and folic acid, but above all nitrate, a substance that, according to recent scientific research, would be able to increase muscle strength, including that of cardiac muscle.

Finally, March is the last month to take advantage of the antioxidant properties of cabbage and cauliflower.

March fruit

When we talk about March fruit, we tend to mention citrus fruits again. In reality, however, it is no longer the ideal time for these fruits, or at least not for all.

There are some qualities of late mandarins, which can still be considered "seasonal". On the contrary, there are few good oranges; in reality, the availability of these fruits also depends very much on the region of Italy where we live. Who can, take advantage of it as long as it finds.

Still remaining in the citrus family, March is a cedar period, and it is a good month to buy grapefruit, rich in fiber, flavonoids and vitamins. Be careful, however, in the case of drug therapies. According to several scientific studies, the grapefruit would in fact be able to inhibit or, on the contrary, enhance the action of some medicines.

In March the first strawberries can be seen, but it is not yet a good month to buy them. They are expensive and, above all, it is not a period of organic strawberries. Let's wait for April, when local and organic strawberries will start to appear.

In the cart of March we still put apples, pears and kiw i, all fruit known for its innumerable nutritional qualities and for the richness of minerals and vitamins.

Also find out how to eat the avocado, the top fruit of March

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