Essential oils for the stye

Stye: symptoms and causes

Stye is an inflammation of the eyelids. The symptoms are swelling, pain, redness of the eyelids and eye . There may be a pimple on the eyelid edge, in this case it is an external stye, or inside the eyelid itself, called the internal stye . Sometimes it is accompanied by itching and tearing.

The causes are various. They can derive from a foreign agent introduced into the eye in various ways, such as the wind, or the use of products for the face or hair, or even due to contact with unclean hands .

When this happens due to inflammation due to rubbing , bacterial proliferation is added, which leads to the development of the orzaiolo .

It can also happen that the immune system is particularly weakened and, as a result of this, the bacteria that naturally settle on the eyelashes find fertile ground for their proliferation.

The stye usually resolves normally and without intervention after about a week . However, there are cases that often occur and situations in which a stye can develop a conjunctivitis : it is therefore important to follow a scrupulous hygiene and cleanliness of the eye, to prevent the creation of suitable conditions for the development of swelling and redness to the eyes.

Read also What cosmetics to avoid in case of stye >>

Essential oils for the stye

Essential oils are a valid ally of eye health, in the case of stye the use of essential oils allows to overcome redness and swelling more quickly, as well as eliminating the bacterial causes that led to the development of inflammation.

You can use lukewarm tablets to apply on the outside of the eyelid. Preparing the necessary for a warm tablet to place on the eye is very simple.

Natural water is boiled with the addition of pure rose water, without additives and without alcohol, in equal parts. Once the fire is out, add a drop of chamomile essential oil and leave to cool, filter with a clean cotton cloth.

A cotton ball or handkerchief is dipped, and the tablet is applied to the eye for at least 20 minutes, twice a day until the swelling and pain disappear.

The essential oil of chamomile has soothing properties, thus allowing to soften the pain and calm the state of swelling .

To cure the stye you can also use tea tree essential oil in addition to base oil: the proportion is one drop of essential oil for a cup of base oil.

It is usually not advised to directly use essential oils in the eyes : also in this case it is necessary to pay attention to that the oil is adequately diluted and that it does not enter directly into the eyes . It is used locally on the eyelids and around the eye (never inside) in the case of an internal and external stye.

Tea tree is a very strong anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and natural antibiotic.

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