Ventricular tachycardia: symptoms, causes and remedies

What happens to our heart when it starts beating wildly and seems to have come up in our throats? Should we worry? Are we going to die?

When the heart knocks we must open, we cannot ignore the bell! In other words, with the heart you don't mess around and let go of self-diagnosis, do-it-yourself remedies and the " then pass" .

Without triggering alarmism it is absolutely necessary to go to the doctor, without procrastinating, which will assess what kind of tachycardia it is and will promptly refer us to the specialist for a timely and decisive cure, especially if it comes to ventricular tachycardia !

Symptoms of Ventricular Tachycardia

Ventricular tachycardia is a cardiac arrhythmia that manifests itself with an increase in frequency, reaching peaks of 200 beats per minute. The sensation is the classic throbbing, with palpitations, difficult breathing, shortness of breath, anxiety, possible dizziness, lowering of pressure, syncope. The duration of this arrhythmia process can vary depending on the severity of the tachycardia, up to 30 seconds or be extended a few more seconds.

It can occur suddenly without warning and terminate in the same way . In some cases, especially in those suffering from heart disease for which they are being treated, they may present themselves in a gradual manner.

In short, these are not symptoms that we do not take into account, so we resort to emergency medical care without thinking too much.

The Causes of Ventricular Tachycardia

But what happens then to our heart to go crazy so suddenly making us scare so much to take your breath away? Mechanically we know that our heart works through contractions and distension : it is a pump and as such it acts to allow blood flow.

The impulse arises regularly in the atrial area and the ventricle contracts to push the blood into circulation. In the case of ventricular tachycardia these contractions undergo changes: it can happen that the impulses appear even outside the atrium, are in fact defined as " extrasystoles ", and alter the rhythm of the ventricular contractions, dispersing the force of range.

The consequence is that tissues, organs and the heart itself no longer receive the right amount of oxygenated blood and the pumping activity gradually degenerates .

What are the causes of these "blows" of the ventricle?

  1. Cardiopathies : dysfunctional heart disease affecting the coronary arteries (sometimes there have been undiagnosed myocardial infarcts), affecting the myocardium, the heart as a muscle can be subjected to inflammation and / or load on the heart valves, mitral insufficiency
  2. Electrolytic alterations: our pump works with electrical impulses thanks to the presence of positive and negative ions that determine muscle contraction. The ions we have are the most common mineral salts such as potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium that must move in balance and behave like electrolytes. Possible imbalances determine:

> Hypopotassemia : potassium deficiency leading to cardiac disorders, muscle cramps, tiredness, hypoventilation

    > Hypomagnesemia : magnesium deficiency, leading to arrhythmias, tremors, hypertension, mood swings, insomnia

      > Hypocalcemia : imbalance between the free and bound fraction of calcium which leads to arrhythmias, muscle cramps, tingling, laryngeal narrowing.

        Remedies for Ventricular Tachycardia

        As already anticipated in the face of such important symptoms and a diagnosis of this type , specific medical care must be used .

        Even in healthy patients who do not report heart disease, specialized care is required.

        Even in the case of persistent ventricular tachycardia, principals are activated that provide for the administration of antiarrhythmic drugs, beta-blockers to slow the pace and in some cases of defibrillation, an electrical discharge that goes to regulate the beat.

        In naturopathy we can act in the preventive field, with some simple guidelines related to a correct lifestyle:

        > Varied but complete nutrition, in a balanced regime of carbohydrates, animal and vegetable proteins, fruits and vegetables.

        > Abolition of smoke, coffee and spirits, green light for a glass of red wine rich in resveratrol 2/3 times a week, without excesses.

        > Walk in the open air at a brisk pace.

        > Periodic integration of mineral salts such as magnesium and potassium, especially during seasonal changes.

        Also read:

        > Sinus tachycardia: symptoms, causes and remedies

        > Paroxysmal tachycardia: symptoms, causes and remedies

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