Psychodynamic flower therapy. Interview with Ilenia Frittoli

Ilenia Frittoli, naturopath in training, psychodynamic flower-therapist, expert in natural nutrition, plantar reflexology, aromatherapy, kinesiology and food intolerances. Since 2009 she has been involved in the study of holistic disciplines at the SIMO Italian School of Holistic Medicine in Milan and at the Academy of Psychodynamic Flower Therapy, currently conducting online consultations for adults and children.

We asked her a few questions about Bach flowers and psychodynamic flower therapy.

When did you realize that you wanted to approach Bach flowers and study their personalities?

I can tell you that I used and tested the effectiveness of flower essences for the first time, a few days after the birth of my first daughter, on the advice of a doctor from the clinic where I was.

Let's say that after the magnificent results obtained, the passion and love for this discipline have grown more and more, hence the decision to start the course of studies on naturopathy at the Italian School of Holistic Medicine SIMO and subsequently at the Academy of Flower Therapy Psychodynamics, precisely to deepen my knowledge in this field and to be able to help people solve their psychological and physical problems, using these effective natural remedies without contraindications.

Is there a difference between flower therapy as we know it and psychodynamic flower therapy, or the adjective only serves to better clarify the influence of flowers in the body of those who take them?

We say that with psychodynamic flower therapy we can bring to light all the unconscious conflicts that have determined or determine the negative state present in an individual. Let me explain myself better: the psychological or physical discomforts that can occur in adulthood, derive from unconscious conflicts that occurred during the entire growth process and remained unsolved, psychodynamics does indeed study this, it studies everything that happens at the psychic level during the process of growth of a human being.

So I can say that I am not just looking at the disturbance or the negative emotion, but I also try to understand what were the root causes that triggered it, I try to understand what lies behind the problem. The father of psychodynamics is Freud, he practically taught us where to look to trace the causes of psychological problems. I tell you that in itself the approach with the client is the classic one, the one that Bach himself taught us, namely to treat the "acute" negative emotions that emerge during the interview, then it's up to me, to my ability to understand what is the essence suitable for dissolving the emotional conflict that underlies the whole problem.

What is the differential diagnosis in flower therapy?

The differential diagnosis aims precisely to differentiate the characteristics of the flowers, even in very similar situations. I have recently dealt with a case in which there were some characteristics that called to mind the essence of Vine . During the interview it later emerged that the dominant attitude of this person towards his daughter stemmed from the fear of losing the love it gave her and therefore the suitable essence in this case was Chicory. In other words, I would like to explain that the differential diagnosis is very important.

Are there flowers that correspond to various stages of life?

Let's say no. I use flower essences for everyone, adults and children in different stages of life, I will give you an example, the Honeysuckle essence is indicated and widely used for mammon children, who do not want to grow, for children who find it very difficult to leave the diaper, pacifier, mother's milk, in the same way it is widely used for people of a certain age, who do not want to grow old, who would like to somehow stop the time, who do not even accept the loss of their partner and keep the room from bed all decorated again as if he were alive. There are therefore no flower essences corresponding to a certain phase of life.

What does the figure of Edward Bach mean to you?

I consider Edward Bach a great master, a person who gave the whole humanity the gift of flower remedies. I would like it to be valued more by people in general. During his life, Bach allowed himself to be totally guided by his soul, entrusted himself to the universe, which guided him and led him over the years to realize and accomplish what was his great life mission, this is a huge example for everyone, to understand how important it is to know how to listen to our inner voice, to let ourselves be transported in the choices, in the decisions, it is very important never to underestimate the desires that come to find us, the curiosities, our soul manifests itself so, precisely through this, we all have a particular mission to perform in the course of life, we must accomplish it, in order to meet and experience true happiness true wellness.

I would like to address all parents: educate, impose rules on your children, guide them, if necessary, be strict, but do not stifle their desires, if you see that your child, for example, is particularly attracted to painting, singing or dancing, hinder it, let it mature that particular talent that it may have, the soul does not like to be crushed by anyone, otherwise it will be forced to free itself by manifesting itself with discomfort, such as anxiety, panic, depression, etc.

Make online consultations for adults and also for children. A flower therapy remedy and a dietary tip to support children in the school recovery phase?

Yes, just a few days ago I published an article in my blog that talks about this. The return from vacation and the resumption of normal activities often create some discomfort in children and young people, physical tiredness, fatigue, I advise you not to immediately impose too many goals on children, sports activities or extra-curricular courses, I would tell you to start them in a few week, just to encourage that phase of adaptation needed by the body after the long summer break.

A floral remedy, suitable for everyone at this stage is Walnut, the essence useful in all those phases of transition from the old to the new. Absolutely not to be neglected is nutrition, which as we all know plays a fundamental role in all the stages of growth of our children, the fundamental rule to follow is to reduce the consumption of refined sugars and white flours, prepared for your wholegrain cereals, better if in grains, or in the form of pasta, bread, biscuits, brioche, the quality varies a lot to avoid risking too much gluten for the child, propose him the oats, the rice, the kamut, the spelled, buckwheat, quinoa which is gluten-free. Instead of the traditional packaged snacks (highly publicized) offer them dried fruit and oilseeds, some almonds, some walnut kernel, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, hazelnuts, or for a snack a slice of black bread with a veil of jam, preferably coming from from organic farming, these foods will help them find energy and concentration, indispensable during lessons.

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