An omelette without eggs? Yes, if the recipe is vegan

10% of Italians today live and eat vegan. A not a small percentage. But what does it mean to be vegan and how does vegan cooking work?

And how is it possible to continue to take certain important nutrients by removing fairly common foods in common diets? We answer these questions and, dulcis in fundo, we discover how to cook a vegan omelette without eggs .

When a recipe can be called vegan

When can a recipe be called vegan? A choice, among other things, that leads to savings, since vegan regularly takes on foods such as cereals, legumes, fruit, vegetables, oilseeds. The products are often local, or, as they say, at km 0, they do not cost too much and belong to that category of very satiating foods. The vegans exclude from the diet any food of animal origin and must have the security that what they are ingesting respects this condition; unless they go to vegan restaurants, and rarely spend outside.

A vegan recipe does not include meat, cheese, dairy products, honey or even milk and eggs, since, as the Vegan manifesto on Vegfacile says, even these last two foods "cannot materially be obtained without killing animals" .

Try 3 fusion-vegan cooking recipes

Harvard and false myths about eggs, diabetes and cholesterol

What's the point of making an omelette without eggs? This vegan recipe will come in handy when, at mid-week, you will already have consumed at least one egg and you want a dinner to prepare without too many steps and time.

It seems that consuming too many eggs exposes you to the risk of diabet and: the research comes from scholars of the Harvard Medical School who monitored almost 57 thousand men and women for 20 years and then discovered that those who ate an egg a day had a risk of developing the diabetes 60% (if men) and 77% (if women) higher than those who do not consume it.

The ideal dose according to the scientists of an egg a week . If you really can't do without it, experts suggest choosing eggs that are high in omega 3 fats .

On the other hand, it was the scholars of the same prestigious school who confirmed that the eggs are not then those demons that have always been held with regard to the heart; it is a false myth, since the eggs are a greater threat with regard to the glycemic surge and only in the second analysis can they create serious problems for the cardiovascular system.

About cholesterol, it is true that eggs contain a lot of it, especially "bad cholesterol", but not everything is immediately absorbed by the blood as you think.

Omelette without eggs: the recipe

Here are the ingredients to make a vegan omelette recipe without eggs for 4 people:

- Love and care for the food you prepare

- Want to eat together with people we love or people to meet

- 200 g of chickpea flour

- 2 medium zucchini

- 1 carrot

- 2 tomatoes

- a pinch of salt (do not abound, we recommend)

Preparation (preferably with some background music): mix the chickpea flour with water until you get a liquid batter, without lumps. Grate the zucchini and carrot by moving your shoulders well, without hunching, making your wrist and elbow work. Add them to the batter, to which you will also add salt and chopped tomatoes. Grease a non-stick pan, heat it, pour it all over, and bake it together. Turn around helping you with breathing, balance, agility and ... the lid.

Serve in slices with a side of salad with fennel, cucumber and other vegetables that you like. Remember that, by first consuming the salad, prepare the stomach and reach the feeling of satiety more easily.

Good appetite for vegans and not!

Do you know how to replace eggs?

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