Cervical, taking care of it with ayurveda

Prolonged study, long hours on the PC, psychophysical tensions that accumulate on the neck: here are just some of the most common causes of neck pain, a widespread disorder that does not spare even the youngest.

Many drugs, gymnastics and therapies designed to relieve the neck, a crucial psychosomatic area. Among the remedies, even those of alternative medicine: from yoga to shiatsu there are many ways you can take to get rid of these annoying rigidities.

Well, to them, we are going to add the proposal of ayurvedic medicine .

The "neck pain" in Ayurvedic terms

According to ayurveda, cervical pain is a symptom of the vata dosha imbalance. In fact, it is quite common for our lifestyle to compromise the health of this dosha which is particularly sensitive to instability, haste, agitation, and anxiety that unfortunately characterize the everyday life of many individuals.

For this reason the disorders related to the vata constitution are so transversal and can also affect pitta and kapha.

Furthermore, beyond a physiological imbalance, it is necessary to take into account the fact that very often the latent tensions lurk right on the neck and shoulders creating great discomfort in these areas of the body.

The concept that psyche and soma are two entities in constant dialogue, wrapped in a dance where it is difficult to distinguish the dancers, is now universally accepted. Therefore, working on the body in a mechanical or allopathic way can certainly alleviate the symptoms, but we should not neglect the component constituted by our emotions .

In fact, finding them and working on them by practicing abandonment can help both physically and mentally; relieving the stress of daily tasks and lightening the burden of responsibility may already alleviate pain or improve the medical treatment that is being followed.

In this way the cervical pains will be faced on a double front, to the benefit of the overall health and the total well-being of the person. In other words, in an authentically Ayurvedic way.

Facial pain is also tested against cervical pain

A treatment entirely dedicated to the neck

From an Ayurvedic point of view, massage is undoubtedly a great way to dissolve the body and slow down the flow of mental activity .

In general, therefore, it would be advisable to treat yourself to abhyanga ayurvedic massage sessions with regularity and generosity. If you want something more specific, we propose a less well-known, but highly focused massage: the greeva (neck) vast (collect, hold).

This treatment consists of a bath of medicated oil in a specific part of the body, in our case the neck, thanks to the use of pastes that guarantee the stagnation of the solution in the specific portion.

In fact, a mixture of flour and herbs is prepared which is placed on the neck in a circular way, as if to create a small basin. This basin is filled with warm medicinal oil for a certain period of time so that it can penetrate the underlying tissues in a similar way to another practice we have spoken of, the vast netra.

It is advisable to carry out extensive greeva with a certain regularity and fidelity, at least for the first sessions.

Yes to an integrated approach to cervical pain

As mentioned in the introduction, there are many possible solutions to solve a problem such as cervical pain, both transverse and widespread. An excellent idea is the integration of the various practices so that every aspect is taken into consideration and each symptom is heard.

A fully comprehensive, holistic and integrated approach that will help both physical symptoms and mental roots at their base.

Headache and cervical pain: what relationship?

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