Sleep to lose weight

Sleep to lose weight . I can imagine you're wondering: how?

There are various aspects that make the quality and quantity of sleep essential pillars for a good and effective weight loss.

Let's go to list 3 of them

3 aspects of quality and quantity of sleep

  • leptin production : leptin is produced during sleep, the hormone that induces a sense of satiety; in fact not enough to sleep for two days and leptin levels will drop by 45% at the expense of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates hunger, which will incredibly increase, the result for which will be that of an increase in the stimulus of hunger
  • brain washing : during sleep another important process occurs, the so-called (pass me the term) "cerebral cleansing". The lymphatic system is present throughout the body associated with the circulatory system, which is also responsible for removing metabolic waste substances throughout the day. In the brain this system is not present, or rather it works differently. In fact, the presence of another cleaning system was discovered, the glinfatic system, which has the same function of cleaning from toxic substances, but works only during the hours of night rest. If you don't sleep enough then you will find it more difficult to think clearly and everything will seem more difficult. Furthermore, this predisposes to the onset of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's ;
  • stress reduction: lack of sleep and resulting fatigue increases stress. It is now known how much stress is related to weight gain and waist circumference. Chronic stress leads to an increase in the levels of cortisol in the blood, correlated in turn by an increase in blood sugar levels, all this turns into "cravings" for less healthy and unhealthy foods, an increase in cortisol, moreover it causes an accumulation of toxins in the adipose tissue, which over time can lead to disorders of the thyroid, an organ responsible for the control of our metabolism.

Now you might think it's enough to sleep 10 in a row to lose weight ..., that's not really the case ....

It is in fact fundamental that you rest at night, particularly between 22/23 and early wake up by 7 am, all of which makes the day really more productive.

Another crucial aspect is what you do before going to bed; staying connected with your mobile phone, tablet, social network or television causes agitation, going to negatively affect the quality of our sleep, so turn it off at least 1 hour before going to bed, drink a nice relaxing herbal tea and do some breathing exercises.

The latest information we give our brain before resting will be the basis of a healthy and productive rest!

Good night!

You can also watch the video where I talk about it here

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