5 anti-cellulite exercises

Cellulite often has multifactorial causes, which are linked to eating habits, lack of movement and also the way in which thought is directed.

The ultimate goal of any sequence of movements with gradual levels should be to improve circulation, muscle tone and skin elasticity.

What to know about cellulite before doing the exercises

Cellulite is the manifestation of an inflammation of the tissues and always means a state of suffering of the microcirculation (the vascularization of adipose tissue).

The orange peel effect is given by the fact that the fat cells break and the trigilicerides spread in the space between the cells, compressing the microcirculation.

It is an anatomical-metabolic alteration in all respects that affects the elasticity of blood vessels. Neglecting this state determines its worsening: it is necessary to act through a plan of movement and targeted hydration.

Even when we approach a movement program, there are conditions that must necessarily exist if we do not want to make the situation worse. For example, the heart must not suffer: try to avoid workouts that lead to a peak and prefer progressive training with mainly organic commitment.

This means that the activity must be lasting, therefore aerobic. The physical effort should be between 60-70% of one's maximum heart rate (number of beats per minute). With this frequency we go to tap into the fat reserve and not just to burn the sugars.

And now let's see 5 simple anti-cellulite exercises .

5 effective anti-cellulite exercises

We see several anti-cellulite exercises:

1. The squat

Tones and shapes the buttocks , but it must be practiced consistently: results cannot be expected by doing a few chaotic repetitions during the week.

Position yourself in feet, with your feet positioned slightly wider than your shoulders and your fingers pointing slightly outwards. The knees do not go inwards, they are parallel.

Hands on your hips, keep your head up and your back straight and inhale slowly bending your knees until your pelvis is a little below your knees.

We lean forward slightly with the torso, the muscles of the buttocks contract and we slowly get back up exhaling. Repetitions of at least 15 performances are made . In many cases weights are used.

2. The lunge

This exercise is wonderful, especially if the adipose accumulations with cellulite are in the thigh and butt areas. Also in this case, weights can be used when advancing in practice.

The exercise takes place in feet, with legs apart, advancing with one leg, making sure that the ankle and knee of the weight bearing leg are vertical to the floor.

To avoid overloading the tendons, the knee of the advancing leg must never exceed the support foot. He goes back to the starting position. After 8 or 12 repetitions you pass to the other leg.

3. Stretching of the quadriceps and the posterior chain

In addition to the classic extension of the quadriceps (the typical one of the soccer player for instance), we also suggest the seated one.

Begin by sitting with your legs in front of you. Bend your right knee into a hurdler position and then very slowly bend forward towards the floor. You must avoid any pressure on the knee and only stretch the muscle. Repeat for the other leg.

You can also stretch the posterior chain to provide blood circulation through stretching: stand in front of a table and go down bending over the hips so that you can leave your arms. You will then find yourself creating 90 degrees between legs and trunk.

Bend your legs, put your ankles in contact and then work pushing the knees outwards but trying to maintain the contact of the ankles. You will feel pull at the posterior chain and then stretch your breath, preferentially to stretch the muscle chains too.

4. Step

The classic timeless step, which tones and shapes in a simple yet effective way. You need to stand in front of a step or a low banquet .

Then climb with the right leg, bringing the left foot immediately after. Then go down the stairs first with your right then with your left.

Repeat the exercise 8 - 12 times and then change the first leg. You can also use weights and gradually increase the pounds.

5. Bring the glass of water to your mouth

It seems a ridiculous exercise and absolutely not in harmony with others, but hydration plays a fundamental role in improving the state of the tissues.

Drinking purifies the blood and makes the whole skin luminous and elastic, as well as helping to eliminate toxins and the disposal of fat cells.

Cellulite during pregnancy, tips to avoid it

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