The 10 best foods for the pancreas

People with diabetes know it very well and know that we can't do without it .

The others should still take care of it, because without him one cannot live, literally.

Let's talk about the pancreas, an organ that silently works for our metabolism and functional balance .

His health depends strictly on what we eat . Let's learn then to distinguish which are the 10 best foods for the pancreas.

10 best pancreas foods

Not just diabetes. The metabolism of sugars and proteins is fundamental in our body and for our health. It applies to everyone, and the main protagonist of these "events" is the pancreas.

1. Whole grains

Products such as whole grains, and those made with unrefined flours, provide minerals and vitamins useful for metabolism and help limit glycemic peaks that hurt the pancreas, slow down the metabolism and cause insulin imbalances, overweight and inflammation.

2. Blueberries

With cherries and other berries, blueberries are among the foods richest in antioxidants, in particular substances such as anthocyanins and resveratrol, important for preventing cellular damage.

Anthocyanins, among other benefits, are useful for improving pancreatic and hepatic lesions and protecting pancreatic β cells.

3. Red grapes

Red grapes are a good source of resveratrol, a molecule with an anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory action. In one study it was shown that resveratrol has a therapeutic effect on severe acute pancreatitis by counteracting free radicals that cause oxidative effects on the pancreas .

4. Yogurt

Yogurt enriched with live milk enzymes is a good source of probiotics, the beneficial bacteria that help keep the immune system and digestive system healthy, with significant benefits for the pancreas.

What are the foods that resemble the pancreas?

5. Water

Pancreatic inflammation can cause dehydration and it is therefore important to drink plenty of water every day.

6. Celery

Apigenin, a compound found in various plants, including celery, and is able to perform an antitumor action. Scientific research has shown that apigenin, present in appreciable quantities in celery, is very effective in the fight against tumors, ovaries, and pancreas. Apigenin works by killing pancreatic cancer cells, by inhibiting a key enzyme in the onset of neoplasms.

7. Artichokes and Mexican oregano

Artichokes and Mexican oregano can help against pancreatic cancer . At the base of the anticancer properties of these plants there is a high content of two flavonoids, apigenin and lutein, anti-oxidants "scavengers" of free radicals.

8. Cinnamon

Cinnamon facilitates the reduction of glycaemia and levels of glycosylated hemoglobin, and an improvement in the profile of circulating lipids, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol. In this way the "work" of the pancreas is lightened

9. Vegetable proteins

Legumes and tofu are an excellent source of proteins with a low content of saturated fats, present instead in all protein sources of animal origin (meat, eggs, milk and derivatives).

Proteins are important in the diet, while excess saturated fats can aggravate pancreatic problems, forcing them to produce more enzymes necessary for digestion and worsening their problems.

10. Cavoli & co.

The consumption of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower or cabbage is of great benefit in protecting the pancreas from the development of tumors, consuming them at least twice a week.

In the case of hypothyroidism due to iodine deficiency, the consumption of cruciferous vegetables is not recommended, however, as they significantly increase the need for iodine.

The pancreas: how and why

What it is: it is a voluminous gland, long and flat, situated in depth, transversely in the posterior superior part of the abdominal cavity. In the young it reaches a weight of about 80-100 grams, which tends to reduce with advancing age; the length is about 15 centimeters.

What it does : it has a dual function : on the one hand ( exocrine pancreas) secretes enzymes involved in food digestion and on the other ( endogenous or endocrine pancreas ) it is the site of insulin and glucagon production, which regulate the metabolism of sugars and proteins in the blood.

How it does it: exocrine pancreas and endocrine pancreas. The exocrine pancreas contains particular cells, called acinar ones, which produce digestive enzymes in an inactive form (pancreatic juice), and then pour them, under the influence of certain physiological stimuli, into the duodenum, where they are activated and carry out their digestive functions. The various digestive enzymes produced are classified, according to their activity, in different categories, including: amylase, lipase, carboxy peptidase, ribo-and deoxyribo-nuclease. In addition to these digestive enzymes, pancreatic juice is rich in bicarbonate ions, which are essential for buffering the acidity of the stomach and guaranteeing an alkaline environment favorable to the activity of the enzymes themselves.

The endocrine pancreas ( Langerhans islands ) produces two very important hormones to regulate the metabolism of glucose and protein in the blood: insulin (glucose metabolism), produced by beta cells and glucagon (protein and fat metabolism), produced by alpha cells. These pancreatic hormones are associated with the production of two others, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypepetide . The hormones produced by the endocrine portion of the pancreas are released directly into the blood capillaries that surround the "islets".

Discover also the 10 best foods for the liver

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