Yogurt, good for health

Yogurt is a coagulation of milk that takes place thanks to the action of particular ferments present in the environment: Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.

The ferments make profound changes in the composition of the milk, turning it into a food of the highest nutritional value.

It is important that the yogurt is rich in live cultures because these are the ones that give the yogurt its beneficial properties. The ferments, besides making the milk digestible, enrich it with precious substances; in fact they contribute to the formation of B vitamins, which are necessary for the balance of the nervous system and for the proper functioning of the liver. Vitamins also facilitate the formation of the vitamin K necessary for blood coagulation.

Today yogurt is often enriched with other beneficial ferments, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bifidus, which strengthen and complete the action of the yeasts naturally present in yogurt.

Yogurt is rich in mineral salts, particularly calcium in the form of lactate, which is easily assimilated by the body. For this reason, yogurt is particularly suitable for those who need a significant supply of calcium: adolescents, pregnant women and the elderly.

Regular consumption of yogurt stimulates the production of interferon, a particular protein that increases the body's defenses against viruses.

The lactobacilli of yogurt are effective against Escherichia coli and Salmonella, the bacteria responsible for numerous intestinal disorders, among which the most common is diarrhea. In many cases, enzymes are more effective than antibiotics. Ferments fight intestinal putrefactions and neutralize the action of some substances that can cause cancer.

Yoghurt ferments turn milk into an easily digestible food. Most people cannot digest milk because they do not adequately possess the enzyme necessary for the digestion of casein, the milk protein. Yoghurt ferments turn casein into a soft coagulum, which is much easier to assimilate. Other people, on the other hand, do not tolerate milk because they are partially or totally lacking in the enzyme necessary for the digestion of lactose, the sugar naturally present in milk. Also in this case, the ferments transform lactose into simple sugars, directly assimilated by the body.

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