Dream the Dream: explore the dreams of humanity

In a very interesting video interview with Carl Gustav Jung, the famous psychoanalyst is told that he sensed the arrival of the Second World War long before it happened, through common elements that connected the dreams of his numerous patients, as if they were various windows, various perspectives or emergencies on a single subconscious layer that was preparing to manifest itself in that destructive way.

Following this first observation observation by Jung, many other psychoanalysts and researchers in the field of psychology, neurology and psiconautica, have tried to consider dream material as an important resource for sifting through the elements useful to understand in which direction going humanity, beyond what it thinks and perceives of itself as a surface.

Dream the Dream

Dream the Dream is a project of CIRHU (Center of International Research of Human Unity), through which dreams-experiences are received and analyzed by people and research institutes in the field of psychoanalysis, neurology, psiconautica, yoga, and other related disciplines, so that we can consider the presence of common elements that emphasize subliminal tendencies (both driven by the past with "ascending" dreams, and invitations from the future, through "descending" dreams) to some collective manifestations.

In this way, it would be possible to become aware of what the old psychology called libido, that force that leads evolution to a true awareness of the person, and groups of people, in order to go along with it and manifest it fully, instead of suffering it and making it from you overwhelm. An interesting experiment in psychology and onironautics that is worth keeping an eye on.

What is a dream?

Difficult to say, there are many theories about it but no one would know how to say it with certainty, especially in the scientific field.

Various scientific disciplines and various wisdom traditions tell us that there are different types of dreams: some of them are a nervous echo of superficial activities, a brooding on repetitive impressions of the day just passed or on unexpressed and repressed desires; other dreams instead emerge from a non-individual world, even if in expressing themselves they use characters and symbols taken from the life of the single person.

In this last kind of dreams, something larger and deeper than the person connects with the individual's consciousness and communicates with it through the dream language. We are talking about the so-called subliminal, that is, that which filters under the threshold of a door that separates us from a consciousness that surpasses the individual. These types of dreams, called dreams-experiences, can be of two types, according to the most accredited theories: ascending or descending .

Onironautics: what is it, origins and benefits

Ascending dreams

The so-called ascending dreams are those that emerge from a primitive, archaic and subconscious substratum, like air bubbles that rise up an abyss, sending masses of an obscure evolutionary past, where our animality are stored but also a lot of objubilized and censored potential.

That type of consciousness transcends the individual in a form of collective nocturnal unity, where what we reject from the surface consciousness goes to take refuge.

From this type of vast collective consciousness therefore emerge dreams that remind us of our evolutionary origin, our primordial needs, whether they are physiological, emotional or deeper; but this kind of dreams can communicate to us the needs and impulses of humanity or some human groups.

Descending dreams

We are talking here of the opposite movement to the one just described. It seems that in addition to an obscure evolutionary substratum to represent our past, never completely past, there is also a dimension of luminous consciousness, capable of communicating us from what we believe to be the evolutionary future.

As always Jung argued, the so-called "soul" does not seem to be restricted to the laws of linear time as we perceive it, and it seems to have the possibility to relive the past as much as to experience an already existing future .

What we call destiny, a future to which we can harmoniously agree instead of struggling to reach it by force.

Onironautica: techniques for experiencing lucid dreaming

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